Chapter 23: Bradley's POV

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Footsteps were pounding behind us. But we had to create a diversion.
Willow was pushing me up the tree, but I was just having trouble. It's not like I climbed trees all the time considering my father was made from them. Pinnochio, thanks a lot.
Willow grabbed my leg and shoved me up. "Hurry up Bradley! I'm going to go farther and create a distraction, once you get up there, don't move."
Her light footsteps sounded as she ran.
I hesitated for a moment, but continued on. I could hear their footsteps growing louder and louder. As I reached the top, they crashed past.  And at the same time, the wind fiercely blew. The trees rustled and that means I was thrown violently around in its branches.
"Stay still!"
I yelped. My eyes weren't used to the complete darkness, so I couldn't see the hand until it covered my mouth.
"Shh. Do you want to get us caught?"
"Willow! Don't do that to me!!" I pushed her hand away.
"Are we going to get down now or what?"
Willow smirked. She reminded me of Pan. Maybe it was her odd personality. Or the way she smirked in that weird way. Should I even be trusting her? I never thought about any of it until now. Until I realized how sneaky she could be. Pan was sneaky. He appeared when I thought I was safe. When I was spying on a girl like what even is that. No, just no.

Willow looked at me, her face full of worry.
"What? Why are you staring at me?" I questioned nervously.
She narrowed her eyes. "What's going on?"
I sighed. "Nothing I just don't like being in trees. Can we get down now?"
She shook her head. "No, we have to go to a different tree, farther out in the closest place to your camp. Which way is it?"
I looked around. How was I supposed to know?? I'm not Bradley the Explorer. I don't even know which way north is!
"Uhhhhh it's that way." I pointed forward.
She nodded and climbed forward. "Just stay close to me."
I sighed again. They should make a theme song. Bradley the Explorer!! Br-br-Bradley br-br-Bradley the explorerrrrr!
Where's Sabrina? Do you see Sabrina?
"Bradley what are we doing?"
I smiled immediately and turned around. Willow did too. "Sabrina!"
Willow's eyes widened. "Shhhh!"
Sabrina laughed softly and shrugged it aside. "Bradley! Willow!"
She hugged me and smiled. "Bradley though Willow's right, we should be quiet."
I hugged her tighter. She pulled Willow into the hug and we almost fell over. "Okay no more no!!" I yelped slightly.
"How did you even get here?"
Willow asked. Sabrina shrugged again. "Yeah that part is kind of weird. I knew you would get him out, because I trust you. And so I tracked you guys down until now and found you guys in this tree, which is really weird like why are we crawling through it we should be jumping from branch to branch like the awesome people we are."
We both looked at her. "Okayy... No."
Willow turned to me. "I would be doing that but Bradley the Explorer here wanted to be a chicken and so...."
Sabrina laughed again. I love her laugh.
"Come on Bradley." She gestured for Willow to continue on. She jumped up and swung to the next tree like a squirrel. Sabrina pushed me forward. I almost screamed. But I grabbed hold of the closest branch and stayed there, my heart pounding. "I'm not doing that I'm climbing down and-"
Sabrina grabbed my arm and yanked me up. "Okay. Go slowly."
"Just go ahead I know you want to."
Willow appeared beside me. "Hi. So, let's go."
My heart almost stopped when she popped up next to me. How quick can she move?!
Slowly but awesomely, we made our way to the camp. With a lot of twists and turns. I don't anything about exploring. Bradley the not explorer. And Pan no swiping. And Sabrina the monkey with the red boots and Willow the map.
What the heck is wrong with me?

"Oh ground how I've missed you!!!"
I threw my arms out. "I'm here!"
Willow smirked and Sabrina stifled her laughs.
"Hey where'd everyone go?"
Willow flicked her fingers in an odd way, and suddenly we were back at Pan's camp. I screamed. The lost boys were around us. And Emma. And Kyle... And Liv and everyone else. What's going on?
Willow crossed her arms. "What's going on we went to camp and you weren't there."
I looked at her with eyes wide as they would go.
Sabrina laughed. "Oh yeah. While you were in captivity Willow visited our camp, giving us supplies and other things. And helping us with plans. I just wish I could have helped her with this eye." She pointed at Willow's black eye.
Willow pushed her away. "Don't touch it!"
They started laughing.
For moments I just stayed quiet, until everything went silent. "What's going on?" Sabrina asked.
Emma looked up at them with pain in her eyes.
"Pan took Henry. He's going to kill him."

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