Chapter 25: Sabrina's POV

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Light flashed in front of me. I stood up and looked behind me. My throat didn't hurt anymore, but it was still red, as I could tell from Liv's expression.
Willow stood behind us, her face firm. Her hands were raised, from when she blast at Pan.
Liv jumped closer to me. "This is getting very very scary."
We turned around to Pan. But what we saw scared us.
Or rather, what we didn't see.
Pan was no longer behind us.
"Willow do you see-"
Willow yelped. Pan was behind her, with a knife at her throat.
One of Liv's knives.
"LIV!!!" I turned to her but quickly turned back to Pan.
I whispered to her over my shoulder, "Why would you give that to him?!"
Liv sounded shocked. "I may have lied about loving shoes, but I am not a traitor! I had that in my purse!!!"
She opened her purse and looked back at me with worried eyes. "I don't know how-"
Pan chuckled softly. "I think you forgot one thing..."
Willow shook her head softly against the knife against her throat. Ouch.
"I have magic." He smirked.
How I would love to wipe that smirk off his face.
"And I'd suggest that you leave. Or I will kill her."
Willow was struggling, but Pan held her tightly.
I didn't know what to do. What could I do? I wasn't strong enough to do anything. Pan was powerful, even if he was about to die.
"Pan wait... Please I-"
Henry's voice sounded behind us. "Pan??"
He seemed far away.
I slowly turned but before I could completely, something dropped onto the floor.
The knife that had recently been at Willow's neck was on the floor beside her.
Emma screamed. "DONT!"
Me and Liv screamed. Which was very awkward since we were next to Pan and we were frightened by a friend.
Emma stepped forward with Regina, Neal, and Bradley behind her.
Bradley ran over to me, almost stepping on Willow. "HEY WATCH IT!" She yelled.
"Yeah!" I kneeled down and helped her up.
Sometimes though....
Bradley looked embarrassed. But Pan didn't let anyone notice that.
Henry was standing behind him, looking as clueless as ever.
"What's going on?"
He looked at all of us then back at Pan.
Pan's face looked soft. So kind. So caring. So....


Emma pulled us "younger" kids behind her. But Willow took a step closer. Henry looked at Emma.
"Henry get away from him!" Neal looked nervous.
"N-no you got it wrong, I'm going to save magic! By giving him by heart!"
So that's what he thought. Pan, you liar.
Emma opened her mouth to speak. But Willow cut her off. "Henry, look, Pan doesn't want to save magic. He wants to save himself."
She paused and looked at Pan with a look. A look that said "I'm sorry." Although I doubt she was really sorry for what she was doing, I know it must be hard for her.
Pan met her eyes with a face as well. Honestly I can't ever feel pity for him.
No never I cannot.
Anyways it seemed to say, "I can't believe you after all this."
Maybe I was wrong.
They are very hard to understand.
Like really hard.
Harder than a stone.
Reallyyyyyy much harder than that.
What is wrong with me?!
I laughed slightly and it echoed inside the room. Everyone looked at me. Embarrassing and awkward.
Pan sighed. "Anyways... As I was about to say, Henry they are lying to you! They just don't want you to be the hero that you're meant to be."
What a load of lies.
He used magic to rip out Henry's heart.
The heart of the truest believer.
It was amazing. Gold and glowing and about to save the biggest liar ever.
Willow took a step forward. So did Emma. "No Henry, we aren't. He wants to save himself!"
Emma cried out in her pained voice, "he could hurt you!"
"They're lying Henry! They just want to keep you forever!"
Henry shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I have to save magic."
And with that, he plunged his heart into Pan's chest.
A blast of magic shot at us, and knocked everyone off our feet.

Everything was blurry. And it was as if I was there, but I wasn't.
"NOOOOOO!" Emma's voice sounded as Henry collapsed onto the floor. Pan was rising into the air. So high.
I could feel the cold ground beneath me. It felt like the oxygen was being sucked out of the air.
Willow was on the floor beside me, her eyes wide. She looked terrified and hurt and shocked.
Her face was blurring out. And her mouth was moving, but I couldn't understand her words clearly.
"Sabrinaaaaaaa??? Can you hear me?!!!"
I blinked and everything became clear.
"Sabrina!!! GET UP!"
I shook myself awake and sat up. "Willow I feel weak..."
"It's the magic. It's being sucked out by Pan. I feel it too but we have to go. He's gone already!"
Emma stood up, as Regina cast a spell on Henry. Something about keeping him safe till they get his heart back.
Emma shook her head, "You guys should go to that cliff with Bradley. He can make sure you get there safely and then he'll get you some supplies from camp. You're too young. Liv will go with Kyle to a hiding spot. But I want you guys to make sure Pan doesn't leave the island."
I nodded softly as Willow helped me to stand up. Why was it affecting me so much?

The moon was small. But it was there. And it was dark. Very dark. I could hear the water at the bottom.
I leaned my head on Willow and watched the waves below.
Bradley looked at us carefully, "I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay." I nodded softly. He hugged me tight then walked away into the forest.
"What happens if they don't get his heart back?" I asked, lifting my head slowly.
"Well... Pan will be unstoppable. He'll be stronger than ever. And he will kill us all most likely."
I nodded and stood up. She did too. "Well whatever happens, we have to stick together."
Willow smiled slightly. "You and me together..."
I added quietly. "Take on the world forever..."
"I know all your secrets..." She laughed softly. I could tell she was thinking of when I revealed my life story at the campfire.
"...And I promise you -- I'm gonna keep them..."
Willow stayed silent for a moment.
"I'll be there when you are feeling clueless.... You and me- are-"
"Seamless." I laughed.
She hugged me tight.
When she let go, we looked into each other's eyes. But something changed.
Her eyes were wide. With pain...
Pan smirked as the blood appeared on her shirt.
She collapsed into my arms. I held her in my lap as he disappeared.
"Willow--- okay listen I'm going to pull it out okay??"
She nodded softly, her eyes filling with tears.
My hand hovered over the knife. The same one he stole from Liv.
Bradley came running through the trees. "NOO WAIT!"
I jumped. Willow's face filled with pain.
"Don't pull it out, she could bleed to death." He yelled. He was a good distance away.
Willow took my hand and held it. Her grip wasn't that strong. "Sabrina.... S-sing the song. The-- one we m-made..."
My hands were shaking. I couldn't stop the tears as they fell slowly off my face. "You... And me together."
My voice was quivering.
I can't do this.
But I had to.
If Willow...
If Willow died, she had to know I cared about her.
"Take on the world forever."
Keep going Sabrina.
"I know all your secrets..."
Her face is so pale...
"And I promise you I'm gonna keep them... I'll be there when you- are feeling clueless... You and me were-"
"S-seamless....." Her eyes closed slowly as she said the words.
I sobbed. Bradley was trying to pull me away before, and now it worked. I let him pull me.
My friend was gone.
Willow was dead.
And it was all Pan's fault.

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