Chapter 17: Sabrina's POV

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Her eyes. Where have I seen them before? Everything about her seemed familiar, yet so distant.
Then it hit me.
The paper. It was the drawing. She was the drawing! She was Willow! but how? I had no idea and I didn't say or do anything. Till she screamed. "HEY! ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME OR ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP STARING OFF INTO THE TREES? BECAUSE THEY AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE, I AM!"
I grabbed the paper out of my pocket and held it up. There was hardly any light, but I made some with my ice. It was definitely her. "What's your name?!"
I could still see the faint writing, and it clicked in my head, suddenly I realized that she was slipping.
But I noticed too late, and her scream sounded as she dropped down towards the ground.
I urgently shot ice on the ground where she was falling. She grabbed hold of a branch before falling, but she still dropped to the slippery floor.
I climbed down to see if she was okay. It was as if time stood still as I inched closer and closer towards her flat body on the floor.
"Oh my gosh are you okay?!"
Someone burst through the trees, there face hardly recognizable. Only until he spoke did I realize who it was.
I covered his mouth as he continued to shout. "She fell okay I need you to help me get her to somewhere there is a remedy or something."
He stared at me with a blank face. Then he started screaming again and he started to run into the forest. I chased him immediately, because we were going to get caught.
Suddenly he was kneeling down, his back turned towards me. "I didn't mean to... Bradley please can't you just help me?- what is going on with your face?!"
Bradley's nose was dripping blood, and he tried to cover it up as best he could. He leaned against a tree and smirked at me. "Oh Okay, Wassup then?"
He rested his hand on the trunk and slipped, because he was covered in blood.
I rolled my eyes and started to walk back towards that girl. "Bradley quit fooling around."
The girl was awake, but still on the floor. Her eyes were wide open, and she was breathing hard. Bradley was walking towards her first, but he slipped on the ice so obviously I got to her before him.
"Hi, it's Sabrina. Do you remember me?!"
She nodded her head slowly. "Yes you almost killed me, I think I would remember that."
I nodded softly and examined her face. "You're in pain. Where does it hurt?"
Bradley came waddling over, his face covered in blood. "Okay sorry I just..."
He slipped again, this time tripping over Willow's foot. She yelped. "BRADLEY!!"
He was lying against the ice. "Sorry..."
I pushed him over with my shoe so that he was lying on his back, and grumbled. "I'm so glad you just kissed the floor right now. Because I thought I was going to have to do that myself."
I slipped slightly and landed on top of him. We looked into each other's eyes and.
"EW! Ugh you're covered in blood oh my gosh!!"
I stood up and tried to rub off the stains. It didn't work. "Ugh Bradley just help me lift her. You let her lean on you on one side and I'll get the other."
He slowly lifted her up, and we were making our way out of this area. I had seen a lake not far away, so hopefully we would be able to get her there. "Bradley go left. No not your left my left!"
He turned to the other side.
"Bradley sometimes you drive me crazy. And sometimes, I don't even know what I think."
Bradley nodded slightly and looked up at me.
Willow was listening to us, but wasn't speaking because of her pain. I could tell she was curious, because her eyes would look at me from time to time.
"You know I really would appreciate it if you hurried up. My ankle hurts."
Bradley stumbled slightly but managed to regain his balance. We neared the lake, and Willow practically collapsed.
"Okay... No more walking." She sighed.
I grabbed a large leaf and filled it with water. I gestured for Bradley to come to me. And I used the water to wipe off the blood off his hands and face. He seemed happy.
I couldn't really tend to her wound, but I could make something like a cast of some sort. " Bradley go get me some cloth, from the camp. Tear it off one of our blankets."
Bradley rushed out quickly. He had looked like a monster with all that blood.
Willow turned to me. "So you're Sabrina right? I heard your name right before I dropped from the tallest tree in Neverland."
I sighed. "Yeah, that's me. You're Willow right? I have this..."
I showed her the paper. She looked at it with horror. "Where did you get this?!!"
I stumbled over my words. "I found it. Why does it have you on it?!"
She leaned against a tree and sighed. "It's a magic paper. Wherever you found it, it was apparently unused. The owner didn't believe in magic, therefore it did not work in he or she's hands. But you, obviously have a strong faith in it. And that is why it showed you a drawing of one thing concerning your fate. Apparently, I am an important figure in your life."

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