Chapter 10: Liv's POV

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I was doing things I normally do, like shopping, when i stopped at a specific location. The shoe store of Storybrooke. My favorite place ever. For my family's history, it isn't that much of a surprise. My mother, Katherine, daughter of King Midas, was the jewelry type, just like me. My father Fredrick, the former gold statue guy, doesn't rub off on me too much. I hate David and Snow, always butting into people's business and trying to find good. Not everyone is nice!
But then they admire the birds fluttering and the sun rising. Bleh, I couldn't hate anything more.
But then I noticed someone. That annoying girl Sabrina, talking to Riley. That is unacceptable! Riley is my friend, and I don't share my friends with some newbie! My first instinct was to go and slap her and steal her shoes, but when I looked down I saw her shoes were just some plain sneakers. Ew, she doesn't even know how to accessorize. Could things get any worse?
Regina walked over to me, dusting off her dress and glancing at Sabrina and Riley.
"What are you going to do about this? This new girl!? I don't like her and Riley shouldn't either, so go and pull your daughter away and punish her for talking to the ignorant bad accessorizer."
Regina rolled her eyes, "Stop trying to make the word 'accessorizer' happen. It's not even a real thing. And besides, Riley is strong enough to handle whoever that girl is. I've trained her in magic."
I crossed my arms and fixed my green eyes on Regina. "If she's so strong, then why don't you tell her, or anyone, who her father is?"
Regina muttered something about 'annoying children' and walked away, her black pumps clanking on the side walk.
I flipped my hair victoriously. No one knows who Riley's father is, not even Riley. I've been trying to convince Regina to tell Riley, or more importantly me, who he is. But she won't even give a small hint. Apparently something about him is painful.
I fixed my dress up a bit and reapplied my lipstick, before I strutted over to Riley and Sabrina. My plan had to work; Sabrina would never be my friend. No matter how hard she tries, I'm never going to accept her.
Riley smiled softly at me, her eyes trailing from Sabrina to me. I crossed my arms and glared at Sabrina. "What are you doing? No newbie is going to talk to Riley in such a casual manner. Go back to your little mushroom."
"Liv, it's okay, I don't really think that's necessary. Just stop, no one needs any drama right now, unless you have some juicy gossip."
Sabrina glared at me with a smirk playing at her lips. Why is she so dreadful in my eyes?? I have no idea.
I slapped her, wiping the little smirk off her face. That felt amazing.
Sabrina doubled over, her hand rushing toward her face. I could've hit her harder, but I didn't want to waste my energy.
"You better think twice before you talk to one of my friends again, Sabrina. You're just a plain newbie, you're not special and you're terrible at fashion. So don't expect me to go around accepting you into everything." I walked away dramatically as she removed her fingers from her bleeding lip.
I headed back towards the shoe store, but turned around, to see if Riley was following me. Sabrina was on her feet, but she didn't look afraid anymore. She clenched her fists and before I knew what was happening, ice shot towards me in a huge gust of air.

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