Chapter 13: Riley's POV

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"Mom?!! What's going on? What happened to the device?!" I looked around. If my mother was lying to me once again, I will make her wish the device had killed her instead!
She looked at me with a pained expression. It's probably about someone else. Maybe someone died or something, but who cares. I don't. She's always so busy with Henry, she never has time for me.
I crossed my arms and waited for her to give me a good explanation. "Henry was kidnapped and taken through a portal by Greg Mendel and Tamara, Neal's fiancé."
Before I could even speak, Emma jumped in. "Whoa, slow down. By Tamara, his EX fiancé. I don't think you realized that she tried to kill him!"
I huffed. There was a lot of people on this ship. There was the adults, including Emma, my mom, Hook, Snow and David, and Rumplestilskin. Then the younger group, Liv, Bradley, Sabrina, Peyton, and Hook's son Kyle. I'd met him before, when my mom and Hook had a deal. I don't know exactly what that deal was, but it definitely did not go as planned. Everyone had some type of tension with someone else. Regina and Hook gave each other "you annoy me" glares; Rumplestilskin and Hook didn't agree on anything; and Emma and her parents, well that was just a whole different story. Then there was Regina and Emma. They always clashed, and to make matters worse, they shared Henry. It's very odd when you think about it, but since Regina had adopted Henry when he was a baby, Emma can't just take him back. Even though Henry prefers that and so do I.
"Wait, so where did they take him to?"
Rumplestilskin looked at me. "Ah yes, I have just the answer to that" he pulled out something that looked like a globe. But instead of a world map on it, it was white all over. It had a black, and very pointy, needle at the top.
Suddenly, he poked his finger on the needle, letting the blood drip from his finger. He moved his hand, allowing a single drop to fall on the white part of the strange globe. Then things started to appear, making strange shapes. I couldn't understand it, but it seemed like magic. My mom has worked with magic many times. She's even showed me how to use my dark magic on some things. But this, was completely different. Rumplestilskin's face looked fearful, as he stared at the globe. Hook suddenly took an interest as well, and so did his son, who peeped out from behind him to look.
Regina took my hand. Since when was she a kind loving mother? "What is it?"
Kyle looked up at us, doubt showing on his face. "Henry's in Neverland."

Regina looked at Hook, crossing her arms. It had been 7 minutes, and yet she still argued that Kyle had read the globe thingy wrong. Hook was starting to get frustrated. "We are wasting time that we don't have!"
Regina rolled her eyes, "Then why don't you read the thing and have your son freshen up on his pirate skills?!"
Hook pointed a finger at her accusingly, "You don't get to go around saying what my son can or cannot do. I read it as well, and the answer was the same. So maybe you should stop complaining and just listen to orders! I am the captain of this ship, and I know what's best! Henry is in Neverland and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Kyle mumbled something about Regina and went to stand by Peyton and Sabrina. What was going to happen next then? Regina had stayed quiet and now they were discussing what to do.
My mom came to me, her voice low. "Look, honey. It's going to be dangerous, on Neverland. And if Henry-"
I stopped her then and there. "Look, I don't care if it's dangerous or if you want me to stay here. I've been waiting to go on an adventure. You're not stopping me now."
Regina removed her hand from my shoulder. I was insensitive. I knew that. But sometimes, my mom just needs to let me go. She doesn't care what I do most of the time, but she's overprotective when she does care.
Kyle and Hook were already at the steering wheel. Hook was looking at Kyle and whispering something. For some reason I didn't trust Hook. So that was suspicious to me. I quickly moved closer to the top deck, peeking to see them.
"-probably be dead by now. Pan is ruthless, just throw the bean already." Hook was saying.
Who was dead? I didn't have time to even act casual, because Hook appeared right next to me. I tried to act natural as he eyed me with a odd look. I quickly moved away.

Kyle was had already thrown the bean, and Hook had grabbed hold of the wheel to sail us into the swirl of water that had formed. It was a bright and sunny day. How disgusting. I was walking over to the other girls on the ship, when there was a sudden burst of wind blowing at me. I toppled over quickly, but Liv grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Only to let go of my hand and watch me topple across the ship. I hit hard against the stairs. She was laughing, but the wind blew her hair in her face and she started coughing it up. Hah. I tried to grab hold of something else, but nothing was within reach. I looked around me. We were inside the swirling water, and all around were wet people, grabbing hold of something. Liv went flying past me, the effort to fix her hair had cause her to let go of the rope she had been clinging to. She toppled over the stairs, but she didn't stop there. The ship twisted around, and she was suddenly thrown forward. My head was spinning, but I still looked to see if she was okay. But she was gone.

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