Chapter 22: Willow's POV

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His eyes. They reflected the flames. I feel so guilty. Bradley sat near the fire day and night, not doing or saying a thing. I was forming a plan to get him out of here, but it was complicated. And I could barely convince Pan to let him out of his cave.
"He's awfully quiet... Isn't he?"
That sound. Those words. The voice I never wanted to hear now.
I turned around and slammed Felix into a tree. I held him there with my arm over his chest. "You have no right to torment me. None."
What was strange was that I wasn't yelling. I was calm. I whispered the words, which made it seem creepy and dangerous. Even though inside I felt like stabbing Felix with a sword covered in dreamshade poison.
"You had no right to capture Bradley. Henry is the only person we needed. And for what, a higher rank with Pan? You're pathetic."
He smirked and moved his face closer to mine, whispering as well. "Am I? Or are you worried I'm actually becoming more closer to Pan. Or is it just that you're slowly fading away from him, and you're scared? Maybe I have my own plan formed, and this isn't even the worst part."
I bit back my words. What could I say to that. There was nothing to say. We were all in great danger.
I let my arms drop beside me as he looked down upon me. I didn't want to give up.
I walked over to Bradley, my heart pounding. I had an idea. And I needed to act. As I sat down beside him, I glanced over my shoulder. Felix was walking off into the woods, with complete pride.
Bradley was looking at me, waiting for me to say something. And I did. "Bradley, I'm going to give you a signal, and when you get that signal-"
"What's the signal?"
"I don't know, just wait-"
"I need to know the signal! It will be pointless in telling me if I don't know the signal because-" He looked at me with bright eyes. "Wait no! I know the signal. It could just be three fingers."
"Three fingers?..." Where did he even get that from.
"How old are you?"
I sighed, "this has nothing to do with anything but I'm 14."
"Okay and I'm 15. So quit looking at me like I'm crazy." He chuckled slightly.
I groaned. "Okay fine. What does that sign even mean."
He moved my fingers into place and kept talking. "It means that it's a signal I simply came up with. Now what were you going to say because I forgot what we were talking about."
I had completely lost track of what we were doing. "Okay, so when I give you the signal, everyone else will be distracted, and-"
"How?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You'll see. Anyways, I want you to slip into the forest quickly before anyone notices, and I want you to run. You know where right?"
Bradley nodded and mouthed the word.
I stood up, looking back at him one last time. We had to get this right.
"Hey Felix!"
Felix had came back, and he had set his club thing down. Good.
"So Felix, why is Bradley here? Isn't he supposed to be captured? Obviously Pan doesn't agree with your ways."
He clenched his teeth. "Of course he does, we were just-"
"Just what?" I turned my ear toward him, a smile playing at my lips.
"Shut up. You don't even know what you're talking about. You're just a stupid little girl who doesn't know anything useful. Pan only used you, so that he could get Henry. You're nothing now."
"W-what...." I whispered.
"You heard me! Don't try to act like you're just some amazing hero, you're not! Pan doesn't even want you here anymore!"
It happened in a flash. I punched his face, not even caring what I was doing.
The plan had been to just talk to Felix, but I didn't care anymore.
He stumbled over, blood dripping from his mouth. "See? You just ca-"
I punched him again, and I could feel my fist come in contact with his jaw.
He was knocked down to the floor. I tackled him and used all my force. I kept punching at punching him.
But he overpowered me, flipping me over so he was in control.
As I looked upon his bloody face, I ignored the pain as he punched me.
I took a breath, my mouth filling with blood, and suddenly he was gone.
I slowly stumbled up, looking around. He was leaning against a tree, black marks on the bark.
I looked down at my hands. My magic. I used it.
I took a step closer to him, as he regained consciousness. "Don't ever say that about me again."
"Why? It's true. You know-"
I blasted a jolt of energy at him.
I readied myself to do it again, when someone grabbed my arms. "STOP!"
Pan yelled in my ear. "No!"
I made the three finger sign, subtly, with my hands at my side. Bradley saw it though, and he slipped away.
I collapsed to the ground, my face aching.
People were rushing around to Felix, which was good.
I slipped away to the forest, the same path Bradley took.
I had to get there before they realized.
Bradley crashed into me. "Hey! Stop!"
I wiped away the blood off my face and stood.
"We have to go. Now."

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