Chapter 8: Sabrina's POV

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It's been so long since the last time I laughed. from joy. Not sarcasm. I wish there was some way to get out. That didn't involve me getting hurt.
The guard just dropped off my food. It's disgusting, yet I've gotten used to the taste. I start to dig in, when I notice something. The guard left the cage door unlocked. I stand up and try pushing it open. It swings calmly, as I start to run. I've never felt so alive than right now. Imagine, being stuck in a cell for a long time, and the suddenly more action comes your way. Wouldn't you jump at the opportunity? My heart pounded as I snuck up behind a guard. I grabbed one of the extra poles from the cages, and swung as hard as I could. There was a disturbing bang as it clashed with his skull. "Sorry... But I have to."
I snuck quietly out of behind the corridor, unrecognizable now. The guard's armor covered my face too, so the queen wouldn't suspect a thing. I quietly walked down a hall, expecting guard to jump at me. I was finally going to do it. I used the key I found in the guard's pocket to unlock the side gate. And then, the fresh breeze welcomed me out. Everything seemed more lively, full of color and excitement. But I couldn't stay here. I was already wasting time.
I took off running into the maze, careful not to touch the walls. Even the slightest connection to the wall will kill you. Vines rip out to pull you in, and suffocate you. That sounded like a terrible fate, and so I made sure I stayed in the middle. There I was, a tiny human compared to this huge maze, so I had an advantage. But I couldn't take a wrong turn. Or the guards would find me in an instant, being that they know the maze backwards and forwards.
I tripped over a rock, my palms slamming onto the cool cement beneath me. I looked up, not to see guards, but a piece of... Cake? I reached for it with my scraped hand and looked it over. It wasn't exactly a round cake, more of a flat piece. I popped it in my mouth, not even second guessing it for a second after that. It's cake! I haven't had anything sweet in ages. That's when the walls of the maze started to grow, larger and larger and larger.
No, they weren't growing. I was shrinking! I was a tiny inch of a person now. And the walls were towering over me. The guards footsteps pounded behind me. I quickly dodged under the wall. The bottom was harmless, since it was the root part. My whole body shivered. What if I didn't make it out of here? What if they realized I had used the cake....
I looked up. The cake was still there!!!!!
They would know I ate it and search around the area, and then they'd find me and take me back to my cell. I couldn't go back there, i had finally gotten this far.
I ran out to the cake and dragged it under the wall, the ground shaking as they neared me. I was barely in safety when the crashed past me, the sudden gust of air throwing me off my feet. They were gone. They were gone!!! I couldn't believe what was happening. I'm gonna make it.
I stayed under the wall, trying my best to stay hidden.
Soon enough, I was out of the castle grounds, and in the Wonderland forest instead. I knew exactly where to go, and who to go to. He would help me, and if he didn't want to I would make him. I stroked a tree nearby. This was the only place I had ever known. It would be hard to do this, but i was no longer safe here.
I knocked on the Rabbit's door, hoping he was home. He could make a portal to take me somewhere else.
He opened the door slowly, and I used the opportunity to slam the door open and grab him by the ears. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He yelped.
I covered his mouth with my free hand. "Hey, long time no see. I was captured by the Queen and she kept me locked up for who knows how long. I need you to make a portal and take me somewhere safe. Like NOW!"
I dropped him and waited for a response. And what I got didn't exactly bring a smile to my face. "Well, you see... If I create a portal for..."
I grabbed his waistcoat and lifted him into the air. "MAKE THE PORTAL NOW! OR I WILL PERSONALLY USE YOU AS A TICKET TO FREEDOM!"
He shivered, "You'll turn me over to the Queen?"
I dropped him and crossed my arms. He turned to the wall in his house and huffed. I took a last look at the forest. This was goodbye, forever probably. The portal was open now, and I had to go. "Thanks, in all honesty, I wouldn't have given you over to the Queen..."
He gestured to the portal. This was it. I didn't have time for anything else. But he still handed me a bag. "What's this?"
"I know your actions were from worry. This bag has all the mushroom you need. The left side will make you small, the right will make you tall."
I hugged him, "thank you." I turned to the portal, my heart beating fast. I took a step, and closed my eyes. Where would I end up? Somewhere the Red Queen would never go, somewhere different.
I slowly opened my eyes, and what I saw amazed me. I was no longer in the Rabbit's house. I wasn't in Wonderland at all. "What is this place?" There was a giant clock, on a tower. And odd buildings. And beneath me was a black road, with yellow lines. What kind of place was this? I looked down at my tattered blue and black outfit. No one was dressed like me. In fact, they were very different. And they were all staring at... Me. This girl pointed at me and laughed, "Who's that?" She was wearing some flashy clothes, and her blonde hair was perfectly curled.
She walked up to me. "I'm Liv. Who are you exactly? I don't like strange people around." She crossed her arms.
I stuttered. I was so confused, lost, and stunned by her words. "What-um I mean, I'm Sabrina. Where am I?"
She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Storybrooke, obviously."

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