Chapter 12: Sabrina's POV

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I yelped, and Bradley quickly covered my mouth. Why was David holding a gun to his own daughter's head?! I knew they were trouble. I never trusted them.
Emma lowered her gun and sighed, "Guys, what the heck?"
David lowered his gun as well, "Any sign of Tamara?"
Bradley lowered his hand and I piped up. "Nope, but we were looking until you threatened us with a gun."
Emma turned and gave me a look that said, "really?"
Snow frowned, "We weren't threatening you, we thought you were Tamara."
"Let's get going then, I'll go with them to the right and you go to the left." Emma gestured to her side and then started walking again.
My mind started to wander off. My face was still hurting from what had happened earlier. What Liv did was uncalled for. But at least I hit her back with twice the fury. It might've been a accident, but I have no regrets. And I'm sure I won't be seeing her around anytime soon.
We heard the clanking noise of someone coming towards us, and we quickly drew up our weapons.
There Liv stood, a new outfit on, and her hair freshly brushed. Her lipstick had just been applied, and she had thick makeup on. She pushed Emma's gun so that it pointed to the ground. "Hey, so I heard about the mission to save Regina and I came like as quick as I could."
I snickered, "By 'as quickly as you could' do you mean you applied makeup for as long as you could?"
She crossed her arms, "do you want to start again? right now? Cause I'm ready."
She pulled out two of those gun things. Emma held up her hands, "Hey, hey, calm down! We're trying to catch Tamara not watch the queen of ice and the princess of makeup fight."
I raised my eyebrow and so did Liv. Queen of ice? Nonsense, everyone knows I'm the queen of everything.
Suddenly another person pounded towards us. I jumped back and almost fell over Bradley, who had been tying his shoe. Emma raised her gun again, but Liv just stood out in the open.
"Like really guys? It's just my friend Peyton." She laughed slightly as another girl appeared behind her.
She was very pretty, with soft blonde curls and light green eyes. She was about the same height as Liv, and she had makeup on as well. But not as much. She had a softer tone to her skin, and her lipstick didn't really show. She smiled at me, then took one of the guns from Liv. "I'm here to help. I'm Peyton, Cinderella's daughter. Liv called and said that we would be able to kick someone's butt while looking fabulous so I came."
She came and stood beside me. I huffed as Emma kept moving.
"Hey I think we have a bit of a crowd, so I think the next time we see him, two of you will be going with snow and David."
Liv jumped up, "I will and so will Peyton."
Peyton didn't object, but she didn't look like she wanted to go either. I could understand that since Liv is such a pain with her makeup and giggles and shoes.
Liv led her off to find snow and David, which might have been a bad idea. But oh well!
I had forgotten that Neal was with us, once again. He's just not that easy to remember, since he hardly even said anything at the moment.
Then Emma got a phone call. She quickly answered it. Her eyes went wide. She quickly hung up and started running. "Follow me."
Neal huffed as he followed behind Emma. Me and Bradley began to ask questions as we started to near the entrance. "What's going on?"
Emma turned to look at us. "It's Greg Mendel."
Greg Mendel had been in a car crash. It was how he got to this town, apparently. But now, he appears to be the one who kidnapped Regina.
Neal shrugged, "see so it wasn't Tamara." I looked at him, Bradley by my side. What would happen next?
"Actually, it was." Neal's eyes widened, and I came to understanding before I even turned around.
Tamara stood before us, a gun raised high. She gripped it with ease, as she rested her eyes on each of us.
The sound of Neal came from behind us, "Tamara what the heck are you doing?!"
I took a step back, hoping I could subtly find the entrance and get out of this retched place. Bradley seemed to have the same idea, because he took a quick step back and ran for the door.
My fingers shook. I couldn't breath, I couldn't think. Tamara was speaking, and then suddenly, she knocked Emma out with a pipe. My whole body shivered as she looked at me. I grabbed a pipe from the side and swung at her. But I was being so stupid, because she had a gun.
I fought with her for a moment, until she swung with her gun and hit me on the shoulder. I was thrown sideways, and the pain. The pain was dreadful. My whole body wanted to just give up. Just go unconscious, maybe she wouldn't hurt me anymore. But I couldn't. Emma heaved me upward silently and then grabbed the pipe Tamara had dropped. But she was too late. There was the sound of a gunshot, and Neal thumping onto the side of the wall. Where did Bradley go? Did he seriously leave us like that?
Emma attacked Tamara, and I turned to Neal. "Are you okay?"
He nodded and I turned him over, but there was a giant flash behind us, and Neal pushed me to the side. I looked up, my heart pounding. Tamara had thrown down a bean, and it had grown into a magic portal. It looked like a giant green swirling hole in the floor. But it felt, it felt like there was a giant anchor tied to my foot, pulling me in. Emma jumped and grabbed onto a pipe above the portal, but it began to bend. Neal grabbed her, but he slipped and fell. Next thing I knew, Emma was grabbing my arm, as Neal grabbed hers. My back felt like it was breaking, but I had to hold on. Peyton appeared at the door, and she quickly grabbed hold of me and heaved me up. But Emma was still dangling, with Neal at the end. I couldn't keep the tears from coming out. I might not have known Neal long, but he saved me. If it wasn't for him, I would be me down that portal. In just a moment, Emma was screaming, and Neal was gone. The portal began to fade away, and so did Neal. Any hope of finding him, was gone. I collapsed to my knees, my shoulder pain returning. Emma was sobbing, and Peyton was helping to heave her up. But I felt numb all over.

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