Chapter 24: Liv's POV

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I glared at Bradley as he stayed quiet. He still didn't understand. How natural of him.
"It's all Wendy's fault! She didn't tell us when she should have!"
I glanced at her with an evil look in my eyes. She looked back at me with a pout.
Bradley was still looking at me with a blank look.
"Okay. Explain Wendy because I'm tired of talking."
I sat down and dusted off my dress as Wendy began.
I raised an eyebrow and looked at her.
She jumped to the point. "I overheard that Pan was taking Henry to Skull Rock. To take his heart. And use it for himself. You see, Pan is dying."
I watched Willow's, Sabrina's, and Bradley's reactions. Sabrina and Bradley looked relieved, and Bradley finally didn't look clueless. But Willow, didn't look happy at all. Which was pretty hard to tell since her face was so beat up. What even happened to that girl? Anyways, she was leaning against a tree. And of course, being the amazing person that I am, I could tell she had tears in her eyes and she looked hurt. Not from the bruises and stuff but because someone hurt her mentally. If that even makes sense.
What am I saying, of course it makes sense! I thought of it!
Wendy continued talking. "His heart is dying, and so he needs a new one. The Heart of the Truest Believer. Henry has believed no matter what, as I've heard, and so he is the possessor of that heart. It will be a trade. Pan's life for Henry's. So with that heart, Pan will live, and Henry will die."
Emma walked over to Sabrina. Sabrina hugged her gently.
Willow was now sitting by the fire, her face firm. I guess she was more angry than hurt by him.
Bradley piped up quickly, "so what now? What do we do?"
Emma came to the middle of the group and yanked Willow up by the back of her shirt.
"Ow ow what are you doing?!!?!"
Emma crossed her arms. "You knew Pan very well, and at the moment you're the only one that he trusts that we can rely on."
I watched Willow's eyes travel to Felix and her face turn into a small smirk. It faded away quickly.
"You're the only one of his little minions that I can trust." Emma added in something small. "We'll sort of not really I'm not completely sure about you yet. Because you didn't even try to save Henry and you saved Bradley and what is that."
Willow opened her mouth to say something. "Hey I didn't have to tell you anything about our location or Pan's plans or anything! But I did!"
I stood up and along with Sabrina led Willow to a tree a okay distance away from Pan's camp.
It was an instinct, I didn't even realize what I did until we were all sitting together eating a piece of bread. Honestly though it's like we are poor people! I've never been treated in such a way.
Willow was leaning her head on Sabrina's shoulder. They were BFFs now I guess.
I looked at Emma as she and the rest of the group battled about what to do.
Neal was simply too dumb to see clearly. His emotions were clouding his judgement.
Emma was so emotional at the moment like she needs to relax and go buy a new dress from the Neverland Forever 21.
Willow sighed. "Liv? What do you think we are going to do?"
I shook my head. "I don't know."
Sabrina chirped up, "well obviously we need to save Henry and quick."
Bradley walked up to us and sat down next to Sabrina. "What are we talking about?"
"Our situation." Sabrina said quietly.
Willow jumped up, "so I think, that Henry's odds of survival are very small since everyone is too busy fighting to realize at the moment he could be on the floor, dead already."
We all laughed. But in the middle of that, I had an idea.
"Why don't we just go to skull rock by ourselves?"
Bradley shook his head with a frown. "No no no Bradley the Explorer is NOT exploring that place! No more danger!"
Sabrina shrugged, "You'll have to go anyways even if they do go."
Bradley nodded, "True, but it's fine I'll stay here and distract them if they start to wonder."
Kyle came over towards us. "What's up?"
Bradley rolled his eyes as he realized the situation.
"Bradley? Can you go show Kyle the special tree with the strange marking on it?"
Sabrina elbowed him.
"Oh YAHHH! Come on Kyle."
He clenched his teeth together and gave me a glare as he walked away.
I jumped up with Sabrina and Willow and took off into the forest.
"Yes! Okay Willow do your thing."
Willow flicked her fingers, and we were inside skull rock. Before us was a spiral of stairs, and I really didn't feel like climbing them. But we trudged forward, slowly at first but then quicker and quicker.
Finally we made it to the top of the stairs. Sabrina was in the lead.
Everything was a brownish gold color, there were stacks of gold skulls along the walls. In the middle of the room was one of those timer tubes with the sand in it, and it was running low. Very low. It was only a matter of time till its time was up.
Pan stood in the middle of the room. And Henry was no where to be seen. What happened?
When Pan turned, he looked so pale and, basically like the life was washed out of him.
Sabrina held her breath at the sight of him. I couldn't blame her, he obviously doesn't know how to use concealer.
Willow was...
Where was Willow?
I turned around. Nothing. "Sabrina? where's Willow?"
She looked around, her face turning pale. "I-i don't know."
"Where could she have gone?"
"I don't know!!"
Pan crossed his arms and took a few steps closer to us. Sabrina raised her arms to fight and I took out my throwing knives.
"Already lost your friend? I see your plan isn't going the way you hoped."
He smirked and took a few steps closer. He was only a few feet away now.
My heart was beating. Quickly. I couldn't breath. If he killed me... If he just raised his hands and shot at us. That would be the end. And I can't die. Not now. Not for a long time.
"LIV!!!" Sabrina yelped.
I turned towards her.
She was hovering in the air, a few feet off the ground, and scratching at her throat as if a invisible hand was choking her to death.
I looked at Pan in the corner of my eyes. He was choking her. With magic. His hand was raised and he was killing Sabrina!
I couldn't let her die. But what could I do?
I was about to act.
Until a blast of energy shot past me.

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