Chapter 14: Sabrina's POV

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I yelped, my arms flailing around. Ice started to flash around, but no one seemed to notice. I tried to grab hold of something, but I just slipped. I started to slide across the floor, but someone grabbed my hand before I could fly off the side of the ship. I looked up to see Bradley heaving me towards the mast. I grabbed hold of it, my whole body shaking. I faintly smiled, but Riley started to yell.
"Can you stop daydreaming about each other and come and help Liv?!"
Liv? What was wrong with her? Actually, what was right with her? She had been on the rope a few feet away screaming about her hair just a moment ago. I glanced towards there, to find it empty except for Emma. I turned toward the stairs, but she wasn't there either. Then my eyes fell upon Riley. She was leaning over the railing, trying to heave something up. And I knew what that something was. "LIV?!" Peyton screamed, rushing over to her. I sighed, letting go of the mast and sliding across the floor. Only because I had to. Bradley wasn't even trying to follow me, he simply took the rope I had been holding and clung for dear life. I climbed up the stairs on all fours, since it was safer. When I finally made it to the railing, Peyton and Riley were arguing on what to do.
"Let's just pull her up. It can't be that hard, she's not that heavy, right?"
I carefully looked over the railing. But Liv wasn't high up like I thought she would be. She was clinging to ship's front, trying to find a way back up. Her face was red from crying and her mascara had washed out. Then she slipped, but she still gripped with all her strength. I yelped. This would be harder than I thought.
Liv looked at me. "You're too far up dummy."
I huffed. But I had an idea. "LIV? IS THERE A WINDOW CLOSE BY?!"
There was silence, then a faint response of yes. I ran towards the deck, my stomach churning. Peyton and Riley followed me, then Bradley. I opened a door and rushed down, crashing into Kyle. "What are you doing here?!"
Kyle looked at me awkwardly. "I was just looking for-uh-supplies for th-the, um, WATER?!"
He ran back upstairs. What was that about? "He was probably a chicken and came down here to hide." Even in the dim light, I could faintly see Bradley roll his eyes. Why was everyone acting so odd?
Peyton glanced at Riley. "Where's your mom? Shouldn't she be helping us?"
Riley narrowed her eyes, "Shut up, you're just mad because you're a weakling."
Peyton opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Bradley. "Let's just cut this short and say you're both annoying. Done and done."
Peyton and Riley both turned on him, their eyes as sharp as knives. I had a sudden urge to yell at someone, but I had no idea why. "Shut up, all of you! Just stop! Liv is out there about to die, and no matter how reckless and annoying she is, we have to help her!"
Riley's whole face turned red. She grabbed my hair and yanked it hard. So I fought back. Obviously. I wasn't going to fight like a girl. I punched her side. She was knocked over by the sudden jolt, and I took the moment as an advantage. I jumped on her and pinned her to the floor with one hand. Bradley was behind me, yelling at Kyle, who had apparently returned. Peyton was nowhere in site. Just like her, to run from a fight because she's too nice. A ball of ice formed in my hand and Riley looked at me with fear. She wanted to fight me, this is what she gets.
I was pushed off Riley by a sudden force. My back slammed against the wall of the room hard, and my whole body began to ache. I could see a small shift in front of me, as Riley stood up. Bradley and Kyle had stopped their ridiculous arguing and stood behind her, their eyes wide. Riley looked furious, her hands were glowing black. She shot at me, but I rolled towards the side. When I looked up, I saw a dark burned mark on the wall. Kyle grabbed Riley's wrists, but she pushed him away and marched towards me. Bradley jumped in front of her before she could reach me, and tried to calm her down. "Look Riley, we need to figure out what's going on. The ship is stopped twisting and turning, so maybe we are in Neverland territory."
Kyle piped up, "Oh we are! But there are mermaids attacking the ship, which means it's best if we stay down here-"
I pushed past him and to the window. It was true. There were dozens of mermaids hitting against the ship. And Liv. Liv was down there. I looked down, and not far below was Liv, trying to keep her grip on the ship, as a mermaid pulled her legs into the water. She screamed, seeing my face. Her eyes were filled with tears, as if she had lost all hope, but she still was holding on.
"What do we do?" Bradley asked.
"Okay. I'm going to need a long rope, strong enough to hold me and long enough to stretch down there. Kyle go get it. Bradley, hold my shoes."
Bradley looked confused, but he still took my shoes. Kyle returned with the rope, and without another word, I started to climb down towards Liv.
"LIV! You need to grab hold of my hand! I'll pull you up!" The mermaid had a tight grip, apparently, because Liv could barely move. "I can't it's too far!"
"Is this really the time to complain? Give me your hand. Now!"
There was only the mermaid holding her legs left, all the rest had swam away. So, she slowly reached up, and I pulled her up before she could be dragged underwater.

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