Chapter 9: Sabrina's POV

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I pushed away from Liv and walked towards somebody else. He was using a odd stick to walk. Someone tapped on my shoulder before I reached him though. This woman had blonde hair, and green eyes. Why does everyone seem to have blonde hair? It's kind of odd.
"Hey, are you lost kid?" She asked.
I nodded, "I'm new here, I don't know exactly where this is."
She gestured down the road. "Follow me and tell me everything. I know someone who can help."
I followed her slowly, still marveling at everything. I told her how I was captured by the Queen of Hearts, and how I lived alone in the woods. How I escaped and used the White Rabbit to get away. She didn't seem very surprised. Her name was Emma. Emma Swan. An interesting name, for sure. She said she was the savior, and that she had broken the curse over Storybrooke. It was cast by the evil queen Regina, but Emma says she is trying to be better now. Emma says she has a son named Henry, but that he was adopted by Regina and blah blah blah. There family history is very confusing.
Emma pulled out a key and unlocked the door before us. It opened into a kitchen and a dining room on the left of it. There were stairs over the bedroom on the right, and everything seemed to keep a white, calm theme. "What is this place?"
Two people came downstairs, a lady with black hair, that was holding a baby, and a man. He seemed to be her husband. "Emma who's this?" He asked. The lady seemed to have no trouble butting in either. "Yeah whats going on?"
I looked at Emma and crossed my arms. I wasn't about to explain my life problems to these nosey people. Emma just sighed, "She's a new girl. She from, Wonderland." She put a strange emphasis on wonderland. "Her name is Sabrina, she's hiding from the Queen of Hearts."
I held in a sigh of relief. She didn't share everything. I took out the paper of Willow and showed it to them. "Do you know her? Is she here in this town? I'm looking for her."
The lady looked at it with narrowed eyes. She turned and looked at the man. "No..."
The man shook his head. "I've never seen her in Storybrooke before."
Emma blinked, a small smile on her face. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out. For now, you can stay with Snow and David here."
I glanced around the room. "Here? But it's so...."
Small. Old. Weird. Different. Plus the lady kept staring at me weird.
"Amazing." I fake smiled and nodded at Emma. I pulled her to the side, "you don't have perhaps a cabin in the woods or something? I don't like being with strangers."
Emma frowned down at me. "They're my parents. It's okay, they're not going to hurt you. They will probably just ask a lot of questions." We both glanced at them as they started preparing a meal. It's about lunch time, and I was starving. I walked over towards the island in the center of the room, nervous of what they would ask me. What if they asked me about my parents? What would I say then?
Emma waved as I looked at her with yearning eyes. I didn't want to stay here, but Emma was nice to me, so I should be nice to her parents. I looked up and saw them making some eggs on this white box. It was weird. "Where's the huge fire, twigs, stones and the side of lizard? I thought you guys had more meat."
The man looked up at me with twinkling eyes. He found it funny, obviously. "Well, here in Storybrooke, we do things a little differently." He handed me a plate with eggs on them. "I hope you like scrambled. I'm David, by the way, and this is Mary Margaret."
She smiled, "so, where are your parents, Sabrina?"
I looked at them with a troubled look in my eyes. "Um so can I take this with me and go look around?"
Mary Margaret nodded as she sipped her tea.
I grabbed the eggs she handed me in a bag and slowly walked outside. As soon as the door closed behind me, I raced downstairs as quick as I could. The fresh air was calling my name. After being locked away for so long, I wanted to explore, not stay inside a small white room.
The breeze felt amazing as it blew my hair from my face. I ran down the paths, crashing into some people, but I didn't care. Until I crashed into someone else.
They were walking alone, wearing black. One was a woman and the other, seemed my age. They looked kind of odd, they stood out compared to the rest of the people in the town. They wore frowns across their faces, and they didn't seem to give anyone a second thought. Until I crashed into them.
"Watch where you're going!!!!" The lady yelled, straightening off her dress.
"Hey... Who are you? I've never seen you before in town and I DO not like newcomers."
The girl beside her helped her with her bag and looked at me fiercely.
"Well? Explain yourself! Who are you?"
I stood there blank faced. This girl, I'd seen her before.
Her eyes stared into my soul, as I answered. "I'm Sabrina, by any chance is your name... Riley?"

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