Chapter 18: Bradley's POV

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It was cold. It was dark. It was spooky. It was dangerous and it would be best to stick in a group.
Yet I was running around for Sabrina doing little servant duties like well, a SERVANT!
"What do you want me to get now?"
Sabrina checked Willow's leg. It turns out that Willow didn't have a twisted ankle, just a really bad open wound near her ankle that needed to be treated.
"Yeah I need one more thing...."
She said that every time I came back from our camp. I'm starting to think she's lying about that. "go get me some of Hook's weird drink thing. Maybe Kyle can help."
I huffed and turned back towards the forest. Get Kyle she says? Get Kyle! I hate that guy! He's such a flirt and a girl stealer and I hate him. So recommending KYLE to help ME help SABRINA is a very bad idea. Obviously, she wasn't seeing clearly that I was jealous of that too cool pirate.
What was I even saying, I sound ridiculous. I can't even insult him, because he's perfect. Maybe too perfect.
"So Bradley... What's he to you?"
No second thoughts here.
I turned back so quick I tripped over my shoelace. I didn't care though. I had to get close enough to hear what she said.
"Well... A friend ish I don't know really. I mean we just met, and I don't even know myself so." She laughed softly.
Was it just me or was her laugh completely adorable?
Willow smirked at her. I finally had a good visual. "Oh sure, and he doesn't have any interest in you at all."
I held back a gasp. "What?? I'm not that obvious." I whispered.
Sabrina rolled her eyes. "I've noticed. He's not subtle when he's around me, but honestly I don't know exactly how to handle a friendship with him. I've never had a real friendship before. One were we talked or anything like that."
So that's what she thought I was. A friend. And I was only too outgoing to her. Willow seemed to have her doubts about that theory, but she didn't push it.
Willow was propped against a tree, her leg comfortably rested upon one of Sabrina's makeshift pillows. Which was just a stack of leaves tied together. Sabrina was poking at the fire, so that its pale orange light reflected on her face.
"so Willow, do you know what glitter is?"
Willow looked at her with a blank face. "No, but it sounds interesting?"
Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "It's something that people in another world use to make themselves look nicer. They use it to decorate and make things shine. They even put it in their hair sometimes."
Willow frowned. "That sounds ridiculous, why would you do that to your hair? It would look different but why?! But I do like the word."
"Glitter!" Sabrina laughed.
"Yes Glitter." Willow laughed too. They seemed to click so quickly, it was odd. It's hard to actually believe they haven't met before.
I chuckled and walked away towards camp. Sabrina was going to be in such a better mood she'd have to talk to me more.
"Now where are you going?"
I turned around. It was a male voice.
Then suddenly it went dark. I couldn't see, but I was awake. And I struggled. I kicked and I punched and I threw myself around but it didn't help at all.
Until I felt a giant whack on the back of my head, did everything go silent.

My vision was blurred. They slowly came into focus. But I wasn't okay. I could feel the blood trickling down my neck from the back of my head. "Who's there? Say something?!!!!" I yelled. There wasn't an answer.
I was tied down, by ropes. I could barely move. But I had to get out of here. I had to tell everyone that there's someone dangerous here. And Henry was probably in great danger as well.
"What a nice surprise. You're awake."
The voice came from the darkness. I couldn't see the face, until they moved. Closer and closer and...
"I need you to do something for me."

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