Chapter 11: Bradley's POV

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So here's something you may find interesting. Any time I tell a lie, my nose bleeds. It's such a wonderful thing.
It's really not. When I was a kid, I would lie to get more cookies and I would always start bleeding. My adoptive parents always thought I was sick, and no family seemed to want me when the doctors couldn't find a cure. They didn't even understand what was wrong! But I knew. I knew, I wasn't normal.
So today, as I was walking down the street, I considered the circumstances. At first, I was just standing there, looking at three girls. It was an interesting situation, so I stayed to see what happened. The brunette was standing there, trying to stay calm. The two blondes were glaring at each other.
Now you must be thinking, is this Bradley guy a stalker? But, if I hadn't been there, who knows what could have happened.
The girl with the super fancy clothes suddenly slapped the other blonde across the face. She fell to the floor, and I jumped up from leaning against the wall.
"You better think twice before you talk to one of my friends again, Sabrina."
Sabrina. So that was her name. It was interesting, yet perfect for her. Her blue eyes, even filled with pain, were so-.
Suddenly, something big whooshed past me. It was too quick to tell what it was, but I saw a faint blue color from inside. Then it hit me. Literally. A shoe went flying towards me and knocked me in the stomach. It had hit pretty hard, but I was okay. I think.
"Are you okay?!"
I was hoping it was Sabrina. I was afraid to open my eyes, and not see her. But I did anyways. It was that brunette girl, she threw the shoe sideways and helped me up.
I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Liv, that popular girl. She never looked at me, or even regarded me at all, but she was always dressed in just the right way, for any occasion. Her hair was perfect and her shoes were shiny. But not now, they weren't.
She was covered in ice, which was starting to melt away. Her face was pale and her hair was in a frizz, her arms were covered in bruises from hitting against the wall. The very same wall I had been leaning against just a moment before. I quickly rushed to her. She was slumped over, and the injuries weren't as bad as I thought. She was simply pinned down to the floor by melting ice, and her eyes were wide open. "SABRINA HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!!"
Emma and Katherine walked over. Katherine didn't seem to think it was Liv's fault at all. They started to pry her from the ice, which wasn't very hard because it was a hot day.
While they continued that, I walked over to Sabrina. "Hey, I'm Bradley." She tried a small smile, but she quickly frowned from the pain. Her cheek was a bright red and her lip looked bad, but not as terrible as it could have been.
"I'm Sabrina."
I gestured to the girl trapped in the ice. "How did you-"
Emma walked up to me, as Liv limped forward with the help of her mother. It looked worse than I had thought, her lips were purple and her body was pale. It was too cold for her. Sabrina crossed her arms, obviously having no regrets.
Emma looked at me with her lie detecting face. "Bradley, do you know where Regina is?"
Apparently she knew I had been following around Regina, intending to hurt her somehow. But I quickly shook my head, and muttered, "No. I don't."
Blood slowly started to drip from my nose, as it always does when I lie. I covered it with my hand and turned from Sabrina. The blood made small red splotches on the floor. It was very embarrassing. Emma crossed her arms, as Sabrina patted my back. "Are you okay?"
I shook my head, resulting in more blood. There was a puddle below me, and I was still bleeding.
Liv limped over towards Riley, but as soon as she stepped closer, her legs flew out from beneath her, and she landed in the puddle of blood.
"THIS IS THE WORST DAY EVER!" She yelled, her hands dripping with the red liquid. She moved her hair out of her face, which was a huge mistake. The blood started to drip down and before she could wipe it, landed on her still faintly purple lips. Revolted, she tried to stand and limp towards her mom. But even Katherine didn't want to touch the mess, and sent her limping towards their house on the next block.
Emma stared down at me. "Bradley, all I need to know is where she is. She's been missing all day."
The reason I lied was because it was embarrassing. I had been stalking her, only to find extra info. Riley was always the outside with no father, and I had wanted to expose Regina and completely embarrass her. She was terrible, she sent me to the foster homes, even though I had an adoptive family. They didn't always take care of me though, because I would always yell at them for trying to. And when they forgot me at school and I stayed overnight, Regina had had enough. She took me to those terrible orphan homes in Boston, where I was mocked and laughed at for my nose. I never could forgive her for destroying my life. Sending me away from home.
Later, I had found my real father. August, also known as Pinnochio. He took me in, but when he had turned to wood after the curse was broken, I had been left to the task to keep Emma from finding out he was my father. Emma learned the truth anyways, but my father and me have this bond. I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to him.
"I last seen her with Tamara, Neal's fiancée, heading towards the docks."

Emma looked around with scared eyes. Sabrina raised her eyebrow and looked at her, and I removed my hand from my nose. The bleeding had stopped, but now we had another problem. "We have to go."

We were inside. The smelly old sardine place. I always hated the docks. Too much water, and it always smelled dreadful. Sabrina didn't seem to mind. Sabrina had a dagger, and she still gripped it until her knuckles turned white. I was left to use the gun. It was smaller in size, yet my whole body felt shaky when I held it.
Emma whispered for us to follow her, as we quietly made our way through the place. It was dark and filled with steam, and there were huge pipes everywhere. So I turned to Sabrina. "Where'd you get that dagger?"
She looked at me with her big blue eyes, her mouth opening to respond.
But she was cut off by the sound of someone up ahead. We rushed over, our weapons raised high. Emma was the first to turn the corner, with Neal at the end. Neal was Emma's ex, also known as rumplestilskin's son, also known as Henry's father. Also known as baelfire. His list of names went on and on. But anyways, he was going to marry Tamara, who Emma suspected to be some kind of evil person.
Back to the present. We turned the corner, and what we saw surprised us. There stood David and Snow, with a gun raised towards Emma's head.

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