Chapter 2: Sabrina's POV

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I took a deep breath as I hid behind the mushroom, trying to stay quiet. Geese were flying above the trees, making a bunch of annoying noises. I threw a pebble, hoping to hit one. Of course I missed, because I'm Sabrina. And everyone knows that Sabrina from Wonderland can't aim straight to save a life. I don't have a last name; never have and probably never will. Nobody ever told me why that was, but then again it's always been just me. Sure, I had friends, many of them actually. But no one could ever explain why I had no parents, no home, and powers I had no idea what to do with. So I learned to just ignore the past and focus on my life right now. But it always seemed to be at the back of my mind: Where did I come from? I am determined to find out, one day.But for now, Wonderland is my home. Which is good, because I love it here.
I took a piece off the mushroom, and slowly ate it. Not a moment later, I was growing higher than the trees! It happened so fast, the geese didn't have time to fly away. I snatched one up, happy that I caught tonight's dinner. Living alone was tough, not only because I had to catch and cook my own food, but I also had to stay hidden. If the Queen of Hearts found me, that would be it. Game over. Bye bye. Of course, no one would want that. So I try to stay subtle.
It was already dark by the time I had made a fire and ate. But it was cold tonight, and I needed the fire to keep me warm. That was my first mistake.
I jumped up to the sound of a twig snapping. My second mistake: I had fallen asleep. The fire was small, but still enough to give my position away. I quickly stamped it out, wanting to scream at my actions. How could I have been so careless? That's when I felt it. The cold point of a spear at my back. I raised my hands up in surrender, since there was nothing I could do. I had no weapons in my hands, totally defenseless. Sure enough, it was the Queen's guards.
"We've come to take you to the Queen, criminal." They spit out the words like poison. I wasn't even a criminal, so what were they even talking about?
I stumbled back, as one pressed his spear closer to me. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't think that's necessary though. Can't we just pretend this never happened and go about our evening?"
My answer? A jabbing at my stomach with a knife. That was the last straw. I grabbed the knife, pulling it away from the guard as I took off running. I had nothing sedimental, which was good because I would not be going back there.
When I thought it was safe, I took a breath against a tree. Third mistake. Not a moment later a knife was at my throat as the guards dragged me into a cage. I tried calling for help, but to no avail. The guards only seemed to get madder at that. And then they started to load up to leave to the Queen's castle. I could not go there! She is a killer and most definitely not merciful.
One guard came up to me, looking at me with a stern look on his face. I stood (or rather sat) my ground, looking him fiercely in the eye.
He grabbed my cloak and pressed my face against the cage, his eyes flared with anger. "Don't try to act innocent. You froze my house, with my children still inside! You're a monster, and no one will ever, ever accept you. YOURE GOING TO BE KILLED, AND I WILL FINALLY HAVE MY REVENGE!"
He dropped me, slamming my face against the bottom of the cage in the process. I rubbed my cheek, confused. I didn't even remember that sort of thing! Why would I freeze his house? It just didn't make sense. And now my lip was bleeding. "You're a liar! I never did anything to you!" I persisted, my heart beating fast. I knew there would be consequences for me opening my mouth again. But I couldn't take back my words. He didn't hear me though, and just kept walking towards his horse.
I slumped against the cage, wanting to cry. Why was this happening to me? Here I am, in a cage, awaiting my death. It's certain, when I get to the Queen she won't show me any kindness. And I won't be able to get out of here. So this was the end, I wouldn't even be able to say goodbye to my friends. I wouldn't even be able to find out who my parents are.
At that last thought, I began to sob. It was no use trying to look tough in front of them, they would only get more angry. This would be my last chance to let my pain loose. I always seemed to be that happy girl, who had no cares in the world. But everyone has feelings deep down, and this was the perfect time to just let them all go. Then after that, I would have to stay strong. For myself.

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