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3rd persons pov

10 years ago...

Everyone stood around the shore line, circling around the young Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk as they stood in front, eyeing down at the young girl before them.

She was knelt down on her knees, arms held by two warriors, one on either side as her head hung down, slow tears falling into the sand below.
The blood from her wound on her head dripped down the side of her face, mixing in with her tears.
Her one white strip of hair now stained crimson red, framing her round face.

She knew what she did was wrong, and she deserved the harsh treatment from them, but the fact that it came to this from saving the life of a young child, and her punishment was dealt out by the two  na'vi she loved most, her once best friends Ronal and her mate Tonowari. Even though she was always treated like the plague by others around her, Ronal and Tonowari were always there to make her smile, make her feel loved.
But now the looks on their faces said only three things. Rage, disappointment, disgust.

"Look at me, demon." Ronal growled.

The girl slowly lifted her gaze, settling on the faces of the three children, no older the 5 and 6 years old, children she cared for almost like they were her own. Aonung stared at her with glassy eyes, trying to hold in the sobs as he hugged his little sister, Tsireya, as she sobbed into his arms. Rotxo was sobbing into his hands, trying to wipe the tears as they fell.
It broke her heart. Seeing the younglings she once cared for crying over her.

"Look at ME!"

She snapped her head towards the Tsahìk, not daring to look away as she approached her.
Her head snapped to the side from the force of Ronal's slap, an instant dark purple handprint now stood out against the light teal of her face. Her head was ripped around to face her again before another blow landed against the same cheek.
She spat out the blood that formed in her mouth, watching as the red splatter was absorbed by the sand. She turned her head once again towards them, face stoic of emotions, as her eyes were no longer glassed over with tears.

Tonowari watched as the girl faced them, showing no emotion of any kind, nothing like the sweet girl he once knew. Though Ronal and himself were older by many years than the young child, she was wiser and more mature than people her age, sometimes even more than the adults. But she held a special place in his heart, as well as his mates.
They knew that there was an instant connection to the girl when she first came to the clan, asking for help. Her beautiful teal skin, her dark blue stripes from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, that one strip of white hair framed by her raven black waves, and her eyes.. her eyes were naturally the colour of the richest soil in the forest, the darkest of browns with the hint of gold that reflected in the sunshine.
But in this very instant, her eyes were the palest of purple, almost translucent compared to the white of her eyes.

It broke him knowing what he must do to keep the balance of the clan, but for the fact she chose to save that child, that THING over her own kind.. he was disappointed, and anger filled him more than ever. She had committed treason and had chosen a side. Now, he must do what he must.

"For the crimes of treason against your own kind, and for endangering the lives of the clan.. Tahlani, warrior, and healer of the Metkayina.."

He turned his eyes to Ronal's, as she nodded, they both turned their attention back to Tahlani, who had not budged one bit from where she knelt. Her eyes bore into their souls, making Tonowari gulp before looking away. Her stare affected Ronal as well, as the woman turned her back, biting her lip as it trembled, holding in her tears.

He turned to the crowd behind him, making sure he was heard. "Is here by BANISHED from our clan! She is NEVER to return! If she is seen around these waters again, she will be brought here to be executed before Ewya for her crimes! From this day forth, She will be outcast, no longer connected with the clan!"

Some people gasped, while others cheered with war cries. Tahlani knew the people did not like her, for she was nothing more than a freak of nature, born of the reef, the forest, and the sky people. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt her by their reaction. A child who they believed to be cursed by Ewya herself, with her white strip of hair, and the weird abilities she has, and her eyes.

She felt herself being raised back to her feet, the warriors releasing her arms as she stood. For a girl, her age, she was already quite tall, almost reaching the shoulders of the Tsahìk. She snapped her head to the side as another warrior stepped forward, holding the child she had saved only a few days ago. Of course, everyone was disgusted by the young child, only for the fact it was human. The little child ran towards her and hugged her leg tightly, tears running into the mask held against its face.

"What do we do with the child?" He asked his Olo'eyktan as they watched the child cling for dear life to its saviour.

"Chuck it beyond the reef. Ewya will determine if it will survive." Tonowari stated.

The girl looked to the child on her leg and sighed. She knew Ewya gave her a sign when she saved the human, but what is she to do? She herself was only 15 years old, she couldn't raise a child by herself.. could she?

She snatched the child into her arms before the warriors could grab it, hissing towards anyone who got too close.
"It is just a child! Olo'eyktan! I will take it with me as I leave. That way, you will never see either of us again! But please do not hurt the child." She pleaded.

Ronal and Tonowari looked at the determination in her eyes, knowing that she was as stubborn as she was kind. Ronal glanced to her mate, who nodded before glancing back to the girl.

"You will take it and never come back. Your things have been packed. You leave now."

The girl nodded as she turned with the child in her arms to the water, as her skimwing waiting with other warriors.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on ever returning."

Behind her, she could hear the three younglings cry harder, breaking her heart even more. But she couldn't turn around, she wouldn't. She would not allow the two who broke her heart to look at her again. She did not want to see the hatred in their eyes. Not when she knew what she did was Ewya's will.

She breathed out a sigh as she walked to her friend and patted her head in apologies, knowing that she also could never return to the home she grew up in.
Placing the child in front of her as she sat behind, making sure her stuff was secure on the back before clicking her tongue, turning the skimwing around towards the ocean, not looking back once to the home she once loved.

Everyone watched as she swam further away for the shoreline, everyone a mixture of emotions, some questioning if what they did was right or not. But no one was more conflicted than the two who stared after her longingly, watching as she vanished into the distanced. It broke their hearts that she didn't look back, not even for the children. Ronal gathered the children, ushering them towards their mauri, while Tonowari watched and waited as his warriors returned alone, nodding in acknowledgement that it was done.

She was gone.

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