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Tahlani's POV

I had woken up inside of a mauri, no one in sight. I snapped myself up, alert and worried, but quickly regretted it as pain shot through me like a lightning shock.

People must have heard me cursing since everyone ran inside seconds later.

Miles and Tonowari quickly ran to my sides, helping me sit up against some cushions.

I smiled lightly, wincing a little. "Thank you."

"You shouldn't be moving, Ma love. You will reopen your wounds."

"How are you feeling, darlin?  Can we get you anything?"

Before I could reply, I was crushed by multiple bodies. I cursed lightly as I glanced down at the triplets, their faces buried into my chest as I felt their tears on my skin.

Manu looked up, wiping his eyes before hugging me tighter. "We thought you were gone.. that you left us.."

"Don't leave us again, please.." Nico wailed, gripping onto my hand.

Mica leaned forward, kissing my forehead. "Are you feeling better?"

I smiled at the three of them, wrapping my arms around them. "Yeah, I'm okay. Are you guys okay?"

They nodded before squealing as they were lifted off of me.

I laughed as Mateo, Sione, and Luca wrapped the boys in their arms, trapping them.

Sione smirked as Mica tried to wiggle his way out of his arms.  "You little shits.  If you hold her that tightly, she will go back into a coma."

Mateo smiled as he placed Manu down. "Plus, everyone wants to have their time with her. Don't be hogs."

At that, Mateo and the twins came over, hugging me one at a time before moving over for Neytiri and Jake to join us.

Neytiri smiled, eyes brimming with tears as she grabbed my hand, kissing it gently. "How do you feel, Lani?"

I kissed her hand, resting it against my cheek. "Better now that most of my family are here. But how long was I out?"

She nodded before moving aside for Jake, who quickly kissed my forehead. "A week.. You scared us, baby girl."

"I'm sorry.."

Tonowari kissed my cheek, holding my other hand. "All that matters is that you are safe, Ma Lani."

I smiled and looked to Miles as he sat a little away from us. I turned towards him, my eyes concerned as his gaze lingered on his hands.


He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I.. I couldn't protect you.."

With the help of Jake and Tonowari, I slowly stood, closing the distance between us. I held my hand out in front of him, smiling as he grasped my hand in his, standing from his spot.

I rested my other hand on his cheek, wiping away the stray tear that fell. "You protected my brothers, Miles. You kept your word. Please don't beat yourself up about this, Ma love."

He slowly nodded, pulling me against his chest. "I thought we lost you."

"Shh. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

I held him as he broke down, clinging to me for dear life. I felt my mates wrap themselves into the hug, just like when we first did the first night back home.

My eyes shot wide at my late realisation, quickly leaning back to look at them. "Ronal..the children.."

"Are all safe." Jake smiled.

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