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3rd person's POV


"Push Ma Lani. Almost there!"

Tahlani laid in their mauri, her room closed off as her brothers, Jake, Tonowari, and Miles, paced around the living area.
It had been hours since Tahlani went into labour, and the first two babies had already been born with the last one on the way.

Tahlani gripped Neytiri's hand, sweat dripping down her forehead as she tried pushing the last baby out. "I'm never having children after this! Those idiots did this to MEEEE!"

Outside the curtain, Mateo, Luca, and Sione burst into hysterics as they watched the men's faces scrunch up in slight fear.

Mateo placed his hand on Miles shoulder, squeezing it gently. "Our mother said the same thing when she gave birth to these two idiots. She is just spouting nonsense."

Miles went to nod but was cut off from Tahlani screaming from the other room. "I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU, MATEO! COME SAY IT TO MY FACE!"

Ronal poked her head out, her brow raised at them all. "One of you go and get the girls. I need their help."

Luca stood, smirking as he walked towards the sand. "I'll do it. Beats getting screamed at my our sister."

He ran out, and a few minutes later, he, along with all of the kids, showed up.

Tsireya and Kiri ran inside, already getting orders from their mothers. Ronal passed each of them a baby, telling them to bathe them carefully and wrap them up. The girls smiled down at the two babies in their arms, their new sister dark like the Omatikaya, and their new brother light like the Metkayina.
The girls smiled the whole time as they cleaned and dressed their siblings, sitting next to Tahlani as she caught her breath.

She looked to her newborn babies, tears spilling down her face as she felt a contraction. She looked to Ronal and pushed, screaming in pain and exhaustion.

"One last push, Lani. Our baby is almost here." Neytiri smiled, kissing her forehead as she looked at each of the babies.

With one last painful push, the whole mauri went silent, waiting to hear the cries of their last baby. Moments passed before the sweet cries of a baby boy filled the mauri, everyone smiling as they watched the curtain open. Tsireya and Kiri stepped out with two little bundles, smiling widely.

Kiri stepped forward, placing the baby in Miles arms. "A little girl."

Miles eyes darted between her and the little girl in his arms, her little eyes slowly opening to reveal striking Emerald eyes. She looked up at her father, smiling a toothless grin as she wriggled her arms around.

Miles smiled, holding her close as he watched Tsireya hand over the other baby to Jake. "A baby boy."

Jake grinned, stepping closer to Miles and Tonowari as they looked between the two babies, their baby girl's emerald eyes darting between them with a smile while their son's vivid blue eyes lazily glanced around the area.

They smiled and turned to the children, showing them their new brother and sister before the curtain opened again, Neytiri holding the last child in her arms.

She walked over to Tonowari, smiling proudly as she rested the baby in his arms. "A son."

Tonwari smiled as he looked down before his eyes widened at the beautiful child in his arms. He looked just like Tahlani. His light teal skin with dark blue stripes, his violet eyes staring into his, a small smile on his lips.

His little hand reached for Tonowari's finger, holding it firmly as Tonowari smiled, turning them for the children to see.

Kaelen smiled at his little brothers and sister, already feeling a close bond with them formed in his chest. As did the others.

They turned to see Ronal enter the room, smiling at each of them. "She did amazingly. She wants to see you all."

The kids ran past them and into the room, quickly smiling and hovering around Tahlani as she smiled at her children.

"My children. My little brothers." She smiled, wrapping her arms around them as she kissed their heads.

They all smiled, kissing her cheeks in return before stepping away for the others to come close.

Mateo leaned forward, kissing her forehead before Luca and Sione followed suit, moving to the other side of the room as her mates joined them.

Miles leaned forward, kissing her softly before placing their little girl in her arms. "You did so well, darlin. They are beautiful."

She smiled as he switched with Jake, kissing him and holding their son close. Jake moved a strand of her white hair behind her ear, smiling down at her. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I am the luckiest woman on Pandora." She smiled, cooing at the two babies in her arms.

Tonowari stepped forward, sitting down next to her as he kissed her briefly, leaning in closer for her to see their new son. "He looks just like you, Ma lani."

She smiled as she looked at her little son. His violet eyes mimicked hers as they stared at each other.

Tahlani leaned her head on Tonowari's shoulder, her eyes getting heavy as exhaustion started to hit her. Everyone piled out of the room, quickly kissing her  before walking into the living area to get things ready for dinner.
Ronal and Neytiri laid her down gently as Tonowari, Jake, and Miles placed the three babies next to her, letting her hold all three of them.

Tahlani looked to her mates, violet eyes tired but a smile on her face. Her hand hovered over each child, naming each of them the perfect names.  "Our oldest son, Tatwe. Our daughter, Ma'via. And our youngest son, Ke'anu."

They all smiled at their children's names, nodding in approval before leaving their mate to rest.

Tahlani watched as her three babies held each other's hands, sleeping peacefully as she herself drifted to sleep.

She now had her own family. Her children.. her mates.. her brothers.

She had everything a woman could ask for and more. She finally had a place in the world with the ones she loved.

And she thanks her mother, Eywa, for every single minute of it.

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