Take my hand

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Present day..

Tahlani's POV

My eyes shot open as I gasped for air. I clutched my hand to my chest, trying to calm my breathing.
'Why did I dream of that day? I haven't thought of that day in many years.. why all of a sudden?'


I groaned as I heard my son yell from the forest floor, his heavy footsteps echoing off the wooden planks of the makeshift stairwell as he climbed into our tree house.
I turned towards the entryway as Kaelen burst through the curtains, eyes wide like saucers.
My son is my miracle child. Being the human child I saved all those years ago, except he was no longer human. He was now a sixteen year old na'vi boy, from the blue of his skin to the dark blue stripes along his body. Dark raven hair pulled back into a bun with his tswin hanging below. His tail of similarity to the Omatikaya, with a smaller fin at the tip like the Metkayina. His eyes were the same ocean blue as when he was human. The only thing to remind anyone of his past human life was his hands. Five fingers on each, different to my own hands of four fingers, or like the true na'vi as others say.
He was a handsome boy, always saying he looked just like me, from the colour of my skin to how my arms and tail looked. If others were to see us, they would think we were mother and child, almost spitting imagines of one another. All thanks to the gifts Eywa bestowed upon me. Yes, I was the one who turned Kaelen na'vi. How? I'm not completely sure. But it was the beginning of understanding my powers. His changes started with him being able to breathe in the pandoran air at the age of 7, then came the growth spurt when he was 9. Then, by his 12th birthday, he had grown a tail and tswin, and the colour of his skin had darkened to the beautiful teal blue with dark stripes.

Each time, the changes happened, if was always when I had healed him. From when he was sick, to when he broke his leg climbing. He always told me that when it did happen, my eyes would change colour. Nothing new to me as I already knew my eyes would change to a creepy violet colour whenever I was reacting with deep emotions or was healing someone. 
So far, I have come to the realisation that I was more connected to Eywa than anyone on Pandora. From the gift of healing all sicknesses and injuries to being able to command the elements around me.
And yes, I learnt them the hard way of trial and error.
But what helped us the most was when we came across this little island in the middle of the ocean. Not being claimed by any of the Na'vi clans or from the RDA.
Something pulled me to this island, but most importantly, to the lake in the centre of the island. With its crystal clear waters and the vibrant colours of the sea life under the surface, it looked ethereal. But what drew me in more was the small spirit tree sitting on some floating land in the centre. Nothing as big as the one from my past, but still majestic in its own way.

We have lived here for almost 8 years and have loved every moment together, as we only had each other. And nothing would ever come between us.

"Mother, you must come! Quickly!" He shook me from my thoughts as he started pulling me towards the curtains.

"What is the matter, Kaelen? What is the rush?" I stopped in the doorway, grabbing my spear and daggers, along with my pouch of emergency herbs.

He jumped towards the stairwell, almost throwing himself down the stairs.

"There is another body at the spirit tree! You must help him!"

I quickly ran behind him, making sure he didn't fall down as we reached the forest floor. We ran towards the lake, rushing past the creatures slowly making their way to the clearing.
I stopped in my tracks as we stood at the waters edge, looking around. It has happened a few times when Eywa would bring poor souls to the lake for me to heal, but for some reason, I couldn't get this weird feeling in me to go away. Like this one was meant to help me in some way.

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