I Can Feel It

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Mateo's POV

My team and I had landed on the small island we had last seen my sister, Tahlani.
We had to split up and cover more ground as we searched the island.

We had found a deserted tree house in the centre of the island, a nice little set up for a family. It must have been hers.

Luca, Sione, and I searched inside while a few others searched the sounding areas. There were two rooms separating from the main room. One looked like a kids room while the other looked like a woman's.
We looked around the room, finding small trinkets and old clothing materials, but nothing looked touched in a while.

"Mateo, check this out." Luca held up a small wooden carving of a thanator. The detail on it was strikingly realistic.

I smiled as I took it from him. "She has gotten better. Remember the ones she made us as kids?"

Sione chuckled. "Yeah, they were so terrible."

We chuckled as we searched and found a few more in the kids' room. I smiled at the human figurine she had carved. It looked just like me when I was younger.

"She made one for all of us." Luca held up five more just like the one I had, smiling as he looked them over.

Sione picked one up, glaring at it. "Hey, I wasn't this fat, was I?"

"Yeah, you kind of were." I smirked as he flipped me off, looking back at the other ones Luca held.

"She didn't make one of herself, or mum and dad."

We all looked around, but it was true. She didn't make any of them, just the ones of us brothers. I honestly didn't blame her.
Our parents left her behind when we had been found, had taken only us with them as they fled. I never forgave them for leaving her, and neither did Luca or Sione for that matter.
The triplets were too young to remember it, so we didn't tell them about it until they were old enough to understand. Since our parents died, I had to take on the roll of caring for them.
But I never forgot about her. None of us did. We had searched everywhere in the forest and as far as the coastline trying to find her. Even went to some of the clans around the area, which led me to having this scar.
But I didn't give up. Luca, Sione, and I had agreed to go back to the RDA to try and use their technology to find her. But when we got there and had proven our skills as soldiers, Ardmore had decided to use us as her own dogs, blackmailing us into doing her dirty work to keep the triplets safe.
I had told myself that when we found Tahlani, we would all get the hell out if there, be a family again somewhere safe.

But by the looks of it, Tahlani has a family of her own. It makes me happy knowing that I had a niece or nephew somewhere out there, possibly an extended family from her lover's side, but it also infuriated me that someone had taken my little sister's heart, without our blessing.
Call me 'old school' or 'protective', but I wanted the best for her, and he better be good to her or so help me God..

I snapped out of it when my com went off. "Sir, there's nobody here. The island is deserted. Should we head to the next one?"

I pressed the collar. "No, we will stay here for the night. Set up camp within the perimeter. Leave two soldiers at the chopper. There was a shack of some sorts near there, tell them to hold up there til morning."

"Yes, sir."

I looked to my brothers. "Gather what you can, only small things. We can give them to the triplets when we get back."

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