Give Me Your Best Shot.

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*light fluff, guys!

Tahlani's POV

I woke up to the sound of chatting. Looking around, I quickly got changed into a simple fishnet covering and loincloth, and I'm happy to be going to training again.

I did my hair into a loose fishtail braid, sitting it over my shoulder. When I knew I was ready for today, I walked out into the main area, seeing all the kids sitting and chatting.

Tuk got up and ran to me, hugging my leg. "Good morning, Tahlani! Come, we brought breakfast!"

I smiled as she dragged me over to sit next to her, Kiri sat to my left, smiling as she pushed a leaf of food in front of me. "Mother cooked for you both, said she would see you later today."

"Thank you, Kiri." I smiled as I dug in. The flavours of the fish and fruits were delicious. As I finished eating and chatting with the kids, Jake knocked on the post of the mauri, smiling as he saw me.

"Ready for training, Lani?"

I nodded, quickly standing up and walking over to him.

"Have fun!" Kaelen waved before he went back to chatting with Lo'ak.

I walked next to Jake as we made our way over to the training grounds.

"You nervous?" He asked, tilting his head towards me.

I shook my head. "Not at all, I'm excited to get started again."

He nodded before sliding his hand against mine, holding it gently. "Well, if anyone gives you trouble, come and find me, okay?"

"Of course, but just remember, I was one of the best warriors they had back in the day. But I'll take your offer if I need it." I smirked.

He laughed as we walked into the area where all the warriors were standing around, Miles amongst them.

When he saw us coming, he quickly walked over, pulling me into a hug. "Morning beautiful, ready to kick some ass?"

I laughed at his confidence. "Oh yeah, just hope we don't get paired up. I wouldn't want to hurt you again."

They both laughed before Miles smirked. "That was a cheap shot, darlin. If we were in a real fight, it would be a different story."

"Well then, I'll just have to take your word for it." I patted his shoulder before walking over to the weapons rack, spear shaped sticks sat along the rocks. I picked one up, feeling the weight of it before walking back to them.

"I'm gonna start stretching, care to join?" I smiled as I walked to an area with fewer people, sitting down with my legs out stretched.

They both quickly came over, sitting on either side as I stretched forward, grabbing my feet. My chest was practically laying on the sand, as I felt every muscle in me stretch amazingly.

"Woah, you're pretty flexible, for a na'vi. " Jake watched as I brought my legs together, still holding them.

"As a female, I am not as strong as you males. So I must make up for it by being flexible and fast, to outlast my opponent." I twisted so I could see him.

"Not many women are fond of this training, but I enjoy it. It makes me feel stronger when I fight."

"Well, I would love to see you fight, baby girl." He smiled as he too started to stretch.

I blushed as I turned away towards Miles, who was looking at my back.

"My eyes are over here, Miles."

"Yeah, but the view from back here is too good to pass up." He chuckled, still looking me over as I was stretched out.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I quickly stood up, reaching my arms high above me.

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