The Plan

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Tahlani's POV

To say it was eventful when Ronal and Neytiri met my brothers is an understatement. I couldn't help but laugh when they had pounced on them snarling with knives to their throats, yelling at them. My brothers's faces were so terrified, I'm pretty sure Luca nearly had a heart attack.

I was currently sleeping alongside my mates in my mauri, the kids in Kaelen's area, and my brothers in the sitting area.
I still couldn't believe that my brothers were alive, let alone here in the next room.

I felt Miles stir behind me, his arm pulling me closer to his chest, nuzzling his nose in my hair. "What's on your mind, baby girl?"

"I.. I just can't believe this is real. I thought they were dead for so long."

"I understand. I was like that when I found Spider. But it's real, love. They are here, and they are here to stay."

I nodded, holding his hand in mine around my waist. We laid there, listening to the soft snores and breaths of our mates. I could hear the snores of my brothers in the other room, sounding like a herd of hammerheads.

I sighed before removing Miles's arm from me, stretching before making my way outside. The sky was slowly lighting up with the sun's light, casting shadows over the water. I walked down to the beach, walking with my feet at the water's edge. I waved at a few fishermen as I strolled past, making my way to the shallow rocks near the forest.

I glanced around before sitting myself on the flat rock, laying down to watch the sunrise. I sighed in content as I listened to the waves lightly bushing up the side of the rocks. I snapped my head at the sound of snading crunching under weight, smiling as Mateo sat next to me.

"You're awake early."

I shrugged, turning back to the water. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep properly. What about you?"

"Never could sleep long since we lost you. Always was on edge."

I glanced over at him, watching his face relax as he watched the sunrise with me. "I never stopped looking for you, you know, even when our parents died. I always tried to find a way to find even the littlest trace of you. But I guess I just didn't look far enough."

I leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me, holding me close. "I missed you, Lani. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Teo." I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his chest as we held each other, tears falling from both of us.

We sat there as the sun rose into the sky, everyone slowly waking to begin their day of life. We stood and walked back to the mauri, chatting about our younger brothers back at the RDA.

"How are we going to get them back? It'll be difficult to sneak in and out.."

"Let's get back to the others first. We have a plan, but it will be risky."

I nodded before walking inside, gasping as I watched my mates, Jake and Miles wrestle with my brothers, Luca and Sione. We both ran over, splitting the four of them apart, with Ronal, Tonowari, Neytiri, Neteyam, Aonung, and Kaelen helping us.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Mateo growled, hands clamped at Luca and Sione's necks.

I pushed my hands on to Jake and Miles's chests, shoving them back a step. "Ma loves, what is wrong?"

"Ask your brothers! Ask them how they want to take you back to the RDA! HOW THEY WANT TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM US!" Jake snarled, lunging towards them before Tonowari gripped his shoulders.

Sione hissed at him, Mateo struggling to hold the two of them apart. "She is OUR SISTER! WE NEED HER TO GET THEM OUT!"

Miles struggled in the boys' hold. "SHE IS OUR MATE!"

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