What Images?

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Jake's POV

When Tahlani and Miles had told us about their mating, I was ecstatic. I had known something might have happened when I felt a strong surge in our bond. It truly made me happy, especially Neytiri.

She couldn't wait for when we both mated with Tahlani, neither could I, but we promised to let her come to us when she was ready and no earlier.

It has been two days since then, and I was sitting with the children, as Neytiri had asked Tahlani to go hunting with her, and with Tonowari and Ronal busy with the clan and Miles busy with some chores around the village, I said i would look after them.
So here I was listening to them talk about having more siblings, which brought a huge smile to my face. I couldn't wait for more young ones to be running around again. Tuk is almost 9 years old now, no longer my baby, but a sassy young girl who speaks her mind. Neytiri and I decided not to have more kids after her, but now that we will be mated with Tahlani soon, it made me happy to know she wanted kids, and many at that.
I felt little hands on my shoulders as I looked up, seeing Tuk smiling at me.

"Dad, you not listening, are you?"

I chuckled, quickly looking around at the kids, staring at us. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"We were saying do you think the next baby will be a boy or a girl?" She sat in my lap as I turned to face the children.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, but no matter what they are, we will love them just as much as all of you. And they will be blessed with such amazing big siblings."

"I hope Tahlani has a girl. Eywa knows we have enough boys here." Kiri smirked, looking over to the boys.

Spider scoffed. "Well, I hope it's a boy. I want a little brother. What about you, Kaelen?"

"Honestly, I never thought about it. But my mother's side of the family have multiples called 'twins' or 'triplets'. I wouldn't mind having one of each." Kaelen looked at his hands, holding up two fingers.

I smiled. "You know, I had a twin brother. So it might be possible."

They all looked at each other before giggling and fake gagged.

"Ew, I just thought of it. Gross!" Lo'ak shook his head.

Tsireya giggled, holding her hand over her mouth. "I think its beautiful that they will be mated."

"Only you would, 'Reya. But the images are now stuck in my head." Aonung grabbed his head, shaking it hard.

I chuckled at their childish behaviour, watching as they finally calmed down. I looked down at Tuk, as her face scrunched up in confusion.

"What images? I can't think of anything."

I laughed before sending the others a small glare as the kids all burst out laughing.

Kiri patted Tuk on the head. "Don't worry, you are too young to be thinking about stuff like that." She turned her head to the boys, glaring. "And you guys need to keep such things to yourselves."

"Kiri is right, Tuk. When you are older, Mommy will explain it to you, okay?" I smiled, hugging her small frame.

She nodded before crawling out of my lap, walking towards the entrance of the mauri.

"What is it, Tuk?"

"Guys, look! It's mommy and Tahlani!" She jumped, pointing to the sky.

We all went to see what she was talking about, looking up in the sky. I smiled as I saw Neytiri on Seze, flying around. I looked down to the water, seeing Tahlani on Myst, leaping out of the water into the air. They looked like they were having fun, my smile growing wider as I watched them.

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