Come home, Please.

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Tahlani's POV

"Tahlani, we need to talk."

I glared at him as he kept talking.

"I want you and your son to come back with us. It is not safe for you both to be here alone. It is too risky with the sky people still out there, ready to destroy anything or anyone in their way. We can keep you safe."

I scoffed, moving the fish to another large leaf. "I think we are way past me going back, Tonowari. You banished me for protecting my son for killing one of your own. Even if it was the will of Eywa for my reasoning, I still can not and will not go back."

He looked down at his hands. "So he is the human child you saved.."

I clenched my jaw, standing to go grab the bowls near me.

"How is he na'vi? Is he an avatar?" Jake asked.

I sighed before turning around. "It doesn't matter how he became na'vi. He is my son, and he is the only thing I care about in this world."

"What about the kids? Aonung, Tsireya, and Rotxo? Did you not once care for them as your own?" Tonowari stood, stepping towards me.

I growled as I stood my ground. "Yeah, I did once a long time ago. But the children probably don't even remember me! The cursed freak that was outcast from the moment she stepped foot on your shores!"

"They do remember you! Aonung and Rotxo almost got themselves killed because they were trying to find you! Tsireya cried for weeks, begging us to bring you back!"

I stood shocked as he kept going. "Every year, they wait by the barrier walls to catch a glimpse of you. Praying to Eywa that the search parties would find you before the sky people or any other clan finds you."

"What search parties? Why would you look for someone who you BANISHED?!"

"Because we were WRONG!" He shouted.

He breathed, fanning my face as he stared down at me. His eyes held pain and regret. Something I had never seen this man express.

"Ronal and I found out the truth.. how you were defending that woman and yourself. How you defended your son from that man. What you did was justice and honourable. And we were wrong.. I was wrong."

He reached a hand to my face, wiping the tears I never noticed falling down my cheeks. I hated crying. It made me feel weak and helpless. But the tears kept falling. They just wouldn't stop.

He held his hand to my cheek, slowly caressing as I leaned into his touch. The rough feel of his palm resting against the smooth part of my cheek. I missed his touch, his scent, just him.

"Come home, please." He pleaded.

I just stared into his eyes, seeing my reflection in them. My eyes had changed once again to its purple hue, showing how conflicted I was feeling.

My gaze switched to Miles and Jake as they stood, walking to surround me as they both placed a hand on my shoulders. The moment they touched me, I felt it. The spark I once felt so long ago. But this time, it was more breathtaking. I could feel it in my mind, my body and soul.

I sighed into their touch, not wanting to move just yet. I closed my eyes, praying to Eywa that they were being sincere. That this wasn't a trick that Kaelen and I would get hurt and regret.. should I accept their help? It was getting dangerous with the sky people, always trying to find a way to take over this beautiful place. And with us hiding away from everyone, the risk of us being  discovered is even more so.

I opened my eyes, looking between the three men as they hadn't moved, slowly nodding my head. "We will go with you. But, you must promise me that no matter what happens to me or what is to come, you will protect Kaelen. Promise me.."

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