Then, It Shall Be

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Tahlani's POV

After Ronal, Neytiri, and I had finished up with the other women with chores, we said our goodbyes and headed towards our mauris.

"Are you sure you don't want any help with dinner tonight?" Neytiri asked as we had dropped Ronal off and were walking back towards ours.

I shook my head, smiling at her. "That's alright. I want to do this for all of you."

She smiled and nodded. As we walked to my mauri, she stopped me outside. Before I could say anything, she crashed our lips together, holding me in her embrace. I melted into her touch, deepening the kiss. We pulled apart and rested our foreheads together, both breathing heavily.

"I shall see you later, Ma Lani."

I nodded as she pulled away, waving as she went on her way.

I walked into the mauri, finding Kaelen and Spider sitting there talking. They both stood the moment they saw me, Kaelen walking over and hugged me tight.

"How was your day, Kaelen?"

"It was great, we all went swimming and I learnt how to ride an ilu, not as good as riding Myst but it was hella fun. We also watched your fight!" He rambled on.

I laughed as Spider stood closer, smiling. "You were amazing, Tahlani. You have to teach me that move."

I let go of Kaelen, reaching a hand out for Spider. It took him a moment to grab it, but as soon as he did, I pulled him close, giving him a hug. "Of course I can teach you, but you must know I am a strict teacher."

He relaxed into my arms, wrapping his around me tightly. "I don't mind. As long as you are teaching me, I can handle anything."

I smiled as I held him close. He may be human, but I saw great potential in him.

He moved back and looked at me, arms still wrapped around my waist. "Um, if you have time, can I talk to you about something?"

"Well, I have invited all of you over for dinner tonight, so why don't we talk and you guys can help me with dinner?"

He nodded as he let go, walking over to the firepit in the corner. I looked to Kaelen with a questioning look, seeing if he knew what he wanted to discuss, but he shrugged and walked over and sat next to Spider, grabbing the cutting boards and knives.

I sat down on the other side of Spider, giving them instructions on how to cut the fish, stuffing them with vegetables and fruits.

Kaelen stood after a while, excusing himself as he walked outside, giving us privacy.

As I folded the fish in leaves, I watched as Spider copied me, placing them on the ash pile.

"What did you want to talk about, Spider?"

He froze for a moment, quickly finishing up the last bundle and placing it along with the others. He sighed as he fidgeted with his hands. "Um, I was wanting to ask if.. um, it's stupid, but would it be okay if we tried, well, if you tried turning me na'vi too? I know it sounds ridiculous and stuff, but I just feel so left out of so many things.."

I turned to him, listening as he spoke.

"I have never felt like a human. I've always felt like I was na'vi inside. It is all I have ever known, growing up here.. I hate how restricted I am with little things that others can do any time they want. I know I'm asking for something out of your control, but if we could at least try, that alone will be enough for me."

He looked at me, tears falling down his cheeks in the mask. It took me a moment to process everything he had said, but I understood him.
He was at a great disadvantage with everything around him, and it broke my heart to know he felt such a way.

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