Who The Fuck Are You?!

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Mateo's POV

My brothers and I had searched half the islands around the area. Have searched for weeks on end to no avail, with not a single sign of her anywhere. We had run into a few of the ocean clans, not getting any help from them.

We had crashed on a small island in the middle of a cluster of islands surrounding it, wanting to regroup and replenish our supplies.

"Mateo, we have searched for ages and have found nothing. How long are we going to keep at this?" Sione huffed, laying on the white sand like a starfish.

I sighed, stripping off my vest and chucked it to the side, sitting with my legs spread out in front of me. "As long as it takes. She is out here, I know she is."

"Of course she is. But the way we are going about this isn't helping anyone. We need to head back and go over everything, try and find an angle we aren't seeing."

I looked to Luca as he looked through his pack, pulling out the little figurines of us. "We are with you, Mateo. But it's time to head back."

I shot to my feet, hands running through the long black locks of my avatar body. "We can't! If we go back now, we put the boys in danger! We need Tahlani to help us get them out of there, safe!"

I looked out to the sea, the wind blowing gently against my face. "I have failed you all once. I will not do it again."

We stayed there in silence, watching the waves before one of the soldiers came running towards us. "Sir. You need to see this."

We all grabbed our stuff and ran after him to the other side of the beach. I grabbed the binoculars off of him, looking into the direction he pointed. It was a group of navi riding on ilus, close to one of the islands near us. I studied them, noticing they were young. With a human?

"Get the chopper ready. We're going after them."

"Yes, sir." He ran towards the rest of the group, quickly packing everything up as the pilot started the chopper.

I passed the binoculars to Sione and Luca, letting them see for themselves.

"A human? Out this far?"

"It's gotta be that Spider kid, right? The one that lived with Sully."

I nodded, turning on my heel and walking to the chopper. We all piled in as the chopper flew up, heading towards the group. I kept eyes on them as they noticed us, quickly swimming away. They were quick on their ilus, but not quick enough. I noticed one of the kids fell off the back of an ilu, swimming frantically. As we got closer, I jumped out of the chopper, crashing into the water below. I quickly resurfaced and swam to the child, wrapping my arm around them as I swam us to shore.

I walked onto the beach, the kid kicking and clawing at my arm. "Let me go!"

"I won't hurt you, kid. Calm down."

I felt the kid relax a little in my arm as I finally got us away from the water, slowly sitting them down. My brow raised as I looked at the little girl, her eyes wide as she shook.

I turned as the rest of my team showed up, my brothers rushing to us with towels. I grabbed one and wrapped it around her, rubbing her arms lightly to warm her up. "You okay, kid?"

She looked between me and my brothers, her breathing slowing. She nodded and looked behind us, our heads turning in the same direction. The group of kids all reached the shore, some holding spears, the others holding bows and arrows.

"Get away from our sister!" One of the dark blue boys shouted, running at us with a spear raised.

Luca quickly ran at him, dodging his attack and yanking it from his grasp. "Calm down, kiddo. We are not a threat."

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