Don't Touch ME!

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Tahlani's POV

It's been three days since I healed Neteyam, and each day, Kaelen always told me how he was gaining his strength.
It made me happy to see my son so happy, he told me about how they talked about everything, even though I was upset he told a stranger about us and our situation, I could tell he felt trust for the Na'vi boy.
Today, I was sitting on the forest floor, sewing matching loincloths for Kaelen and Neteyam, as a friendship/ farewell gift. The colours of the beads match their skin tones and eyes. I'm sure they would love them.
As I continued on with my beadwork, I heard Kaelen walk into the open.

"What are you making there, mother?"

I showed him the pieces, smiling at my work. "I'm making matching pieces for you and Neteyam, I thought that you would like something to remember each other by when he goes."

He smiled and sat down next to me, fidgeting with his hands. I knew something was on his mind. He would always fidget when he wanted something. I sighed as I put down the piece I was working on, turning my attention to him.

"What is on your mind, Kaelen?"

"Um, I was thinking.. would it be alright if you met Neteyam? I know we have rules, and I know it could be dangerous for you, but I feel like he can be trusted. And I would like you to officially meet a friend of mine." He sighed, trying to sound convincing.

I looked at him for a moment, thinking  his words over. Yes, it was dangerous for us both, but at the same time, it's the first time I have seen my son actually happy since he got his na'vi form. I sighed before standing up, holding my hand out.

"I would love to meet your friend, but we will go to him. Just to be safe."

He smiled, reaching for my hand and standing. He hugged me tightly as I held him, giggling at his actions.

"Thank you, mother, it makes me happy that we can meet other people. Nice people. Even if it's just one person."

I pulled back, quickly kissing his forehead. I let him lead the way, even though I knew exactly where we were going. I couldn't help but laugh at his nervousness.

As we reached the beach where the mauri was up ahead, I looked out to the sea, smiling as I hadn't been in the blue waters for a while. Maybe today will be the day I take some time to myself and go for a swim.

As we reached the mauri, I noticed Neteyam crouching in the corner, hands fiddling with something.
Kaelen signalled me to wait as he walked in saying something to Neteyam, who shot up to his feet in an instant.
I smiled as they came outside, Kaelen nudging Neteyam with a smirk.

"Neteyam, this is my mother, Tahlani."

I nodded to the boy as he stared at me wide-eyed. He stepped closer, and before I knew it, I was being hugged tightly by the young boy. Kaelen stepped forward, but I lifted my hand, signalling for him to stop, before wrapping my arms around Neteyam. I could feel wetness on my chest, his shoulders shuddering a little as he sobbed. I tightened my arms to comfort him more, waiting for him to calm down. He lifted his head away as I wiped his tears, smiling at him.
He stepped back a step before smiling even more.

"It's you. I can't believe it's you."

I tilted my head a little, waiting for him to explain.

"You are the lady from the forest. The one who brought me back. You guided me back here."

My eyes widened at his words. 'How did he remember me? He should have forgotten me as soon as he woke up again."

"You remember me?"

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