Our Goddess, Eywa

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3rd person's POV

General Ardmore stomped around the office, seething at her subordinates.

"You idiots! I said to leave her unharmed, but what do you do?! You shoot her! She is probably dead out there, and now our mission is ruined!"

One of her soldiers stepped forward, her face blank as she watched her superior. "General, you must see from our perspective. Most of us were shooting blind. The spot lights only covered so much ground. We may have been in the compound, but we were still at a disadvantage from the start."

The soldier didn't even have time to react as the General slammed her fist into her face, breaking her nose instantly. She fell to the ground, clutching her bleeding nose as she stared daggers.

Ardmore stood over her, face red and fists clenched. "She was our golden ticket into creating our new world! Her powers and genes alone would have created stronger, more powerful avatars for the soldiers.. and your excuse for killing her was that you couldn't SEE PROPERLY?!!"

The soldiers and officers around her stood quietly as her wrath reached a new height. Everyone glanced between the General, hoping they wouldn't be next.

"If we weren't already short on soldiers, I would send every single last one of you back to that shithole of a planet to rot." Ardmore glared at every one of them, breathing in slowly as she tried to think.

"Um, General.. there is still a way to salvage the mission."

She snapped her eyes to a young man, a researcher standing behind a few of her soldiers. She stormed over to him, gripping his collar. "And how exactly would we do that?"

He gulped before explaining. "If we can at least find her body, then we can still use her genetic material for engineering new avatars. Perhaps even make an identical clone in hopes that the powers she possesses can be recreated.."

She stared at him for a moment before loosening her grip, nodding as she walked towards the windows.

"It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack.. but it might just work. Send out the troupes, make sure they come back with her body, or don't bother coming back. Am I clear?"

"Yes, General." Everyone saluted and ran off into different directions, doing as they were ordered.

General Ardmore stood there, her face stoic as she looked out towards the forest. She smirked to herself before she was interrupted by a soldier.

"General, you need to look at this."

She turned and followed the soldier back to the screens, eyeing each one of them as they glowed orange and red. "What is it?"

"Multiple heat signatures are surrounding the compound, some even within our walls. It doesn't make sense.."

"What do our surveillance systems show?"

He brought up the cameras on the screens, each showing no sign of native life or anything.


She sighed as she watched the screens fill with more heat signatures, more and more filling within the compound.

Before anyone could move, an explosion rattled the main tower, causing everyone to hold on to the closest thing near them.
Alarms and warning signs echoed around them as another explosion shook the ground.

Her eyes darted around before her comm started screeching. "General! We need help! The systems ar-"

She listened for anything. "Repeat, I didn't catch the last part, please repeat."

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