You Now Deal With Me

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Tahlani's POV

It has been a few days since the incident, but everything has been amazing.

I had gotten closer with everyone, Miles always wanting to hang out after training. I have a feeling that he knew about my time with Tonowari, that they all knew.
Tonowari didn't even bother hiding his touches on me when we were in public. None of them did. I didn't mind at all, but the children always seemed to catch us and make fun of us. It was embarrassing, to say the least.
Kaelen has become great friends with the children, always spending his day with them swimming or playing around. He was glued to Tuk ever since the incident, always calling her his 'little warrior'. She loved walking around with him hand in hand, telling everyone that she was his 'protector'.

It made me so happy to see all of them get along. Even Kaelen had taken the time to get to know Tonowari, Jake, and Miles, going on regular hunting trips with them. He would tell me it was his way of making sure that they were good enough for me. I didn't mind at all since it gave me time to spend with the others.

Kiri and I had gotten closer as well, always talking about our connection with Eywa. She told me about how she was adopted, about her real mother, Grace Augustine. She told me about how they had come here after being hunted by Miles. How he had saved them from the RDA and had joined them after Neteyam's death.
I had told her about everything, from my time with the RDA to discovering my powers. I had agreed to start teaching her with Neytiri and Jake's approval, which brings us to now.

I was standing with Kiri at the rock pools near the walls, showing her how to connect with the water.

"Clear your mind. Think of the water as a part of your body, your mind."

She took a deep breath, her hand hovering above the water. I nodded as I watched her aura, the beautiful pinkish hue swirling with hints of blue.

"Now, picture an object. Think of its form, its texture, its size."

Her hand started to tremble a bit, but she was doing it. Small strings of water started moving towards her hand, slowly swirling around. Her eyes were closed as she concentrated, a small item forming in her hand. I smiled as I watched her, feeling proud that she was able to complete such a tough task.

The water floated in the form of a necklace, a beautiful string of pearls.

"Good. Now, think of the air, imagine the air freezing the water."

She took another breath, her other hand waving in the air. I felt the air move towards her, our hair swishing in the wind. I looked to the necklace, seeing bits of it slowly freezing over, making it shine under the sunlight.

I smiled as it froze and fell into her hand. She gasped as she looked at her work, a huge smile on her face.

"I did it! Tahlani, I did it!"

"Well done, Kiri. A beautiful job."

She walked over to me, handing me the necklace. "I want you to have this. As a thank you gift."

I hugged her tightly as she wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you, Kiri."

I stepped back as she did as well, smiling at each other. I looked to the water, willing it to my hand. She watched as I too formed a necklace matching the one she made, freezing it. I held it and stepped closer to her, tying it around her neck.
She smiled widely as I tied my own.

"Now we match. And I think we should make something for everyone, don't you think?"

She nodded as we decided to make arm bands for the boys and necklaces for the girls. I told her that I would show her how to make weapons for her parents, as I made them for Ronal, Tonowari, and Miles.
We sat there as I showed her as we used the elements to make different designs for each person. I told her to just stick with one to begin with since it's better to perfect one at a time.

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