She's Ours

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Tahlani's POV

It has been a couple of days since that night with Jake and Neytiri. It had been an amazing night, as the three of us had finally mated. Just thinking about that night in the pond made me blush to extreme. Everyone had known as we had gone back the morning after, Miles giving me one of his best grins as he asked me who was better... the embarrassing part of it all was how Tonowari and Ronal said that they would be the best I ever had once we mated.

I  smiled at the memory as I was sitting alone in my mauri, working on clothing for the children.


I snapped my head up at the sound of Spider's voice, quickly running out of the mauri.

I reached him as he stood there hunched over, trying to catch his breath. "Spider, what's wrong?"

"It's Ronal!"

I gasped and ran straight towards their mauri, the sound of screaming getting louder. I ran inside to see Neytiri and a few women running around with blood-soaked rags and water. I looked around to see Ronal in Tonowari's arms, crying and screaming in pain.

I ran forward, crouching down to take her hand in mine. "Ronal, Ma love. What is happening?"

She whimpered and let out another scream, squeezing my hand tightly. I looked up to Tonowari, whose eyes were wet with tears.

"What happened?"

"The baby, it is coming. But something is not right, Ma Lani. Something is wrong." He cried as he held Ronal close.

I looked over her and down to her legs, seeing the blood everywhere around her. I slid my hand out of her grasp, quickly washing my hands and taking my place between her legs.

"Ronal, I'm going to feel around, okay? To see what is wrong. It's going to hurt, I'm sorry."

She nodded and screamed as I slid my fingers inside her, moving them around to feel. I kept apologising as I saw her tears run down her cheeks. She was losing colour, the pain and blood loss becoming too much for her.

I finally felt the head of the baby but was shocked to feel the cord around its neck, stopping it from coming out.

I cursed as I looked up at Ronal and Tonowari, my eyes desperate. "The cord is wrapped around its neck. I need to untie it before you can push. Bear with me, Ma loves."

They nodded and held each other as I dug my hand deeper, feeling around the cord. I focused on the task at hand, yelling at people to bring hot water and rags. Neytiri sat by Ronal, holding her hand while I worked.

"You are doing great, Ronal. She will make it better. Have faith in our mate." Neytiri kissed her head, wiping the tears from her cheek.

I finally work the cord around, freeing the baby. "Okay, Ronal, I need you to push for me. Give it all you have."

She nodded and began to push, screaming as she did. I could see from Neytiri and Tonowari's faces that she was hurting them, but that they would hold her as long as it took. I sat there, working a hot rag around the head, helping to soothe her and work the head out. She was panting and stopped pushing after a while, begging to stop.

"I, I can't do this.. I can't.."

"You can, and you are, Ronal. You are one of the strongest and most stubborn women I know, and you are our mate. You can do this, just one last big push, and your baby will be here." I assured her, eyes determined as she looked at me with tearful eyes.

She nodded and started pushing once more, screaming to Eywa to help her. As the baby slid out, I quickly grabbed it and started rubbing hard on its back.

Be Ours, Ma Yawne- AVATAR FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now