Chapter 6

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Jamie's POV

Getting lost in the jungle is never a waste of time

"Don't worry Jamie!" Maya mustered a confident attitude. "We'll surely find the way out."

"Are you saying that to comfort me or both of us?" I sighed, squatting on the forest floor with my head in my hands and sweat dripping down my face.

"Um," Maya bit her tongue guiltily. "Well, when I first suggested sneaking into the off-limits part of the school forest...I didn't think we'd lose the path. I-I mean-"

"That we'd get lost. And with no ways of communication. With the great possibility of being stuck here all night."

"Don't be so hopeless already!" Maya burst, stomping her foot. "I know it's my fault we're here, so I'll find a way!"

She stomped off in the opposite direction while I wished I had stopped her earlier before we ended in this mess.

The blazing sun penetrating through the canopy gave me a light headache.

I couldn't hear Maya so I thought it's better to check on her but before I could get up, I heard a scream.

I swiftly ran to where the scream came from and found myself among two human beings.

"Jeez, did you think that I was a vicious animal of sorts?" Neil exclaimed from behind a thick cluster of tall bushes.

Yes, we found another human! We are 3 strong!

"You found something there, Neil?!" A distant voice shouted.

Ok, 4 strong.

When Dennis got here, he was as surprised as us.

"Don't tell're also sneaking around?" He raised a brow.

"Uh, kinda. You?"

"I was looking for some peace." Dennis tsked, shrugging in annoyance. "Guess, I won't find any."

He turned to go. "Wait." Maya spoke up. "You know a way out of here?"

Dennis gave such a cold glare in her direction that she stepped back a bit. "I found a marked path here, though I don't know where it leads. It's better than nothing."

With that, he walked off.

"Don't worry," Neil pacified Maya, looking quite shocked himself. "It wasn't towards you. He doesn't realize it. It's just – something happened."

I knew that too. Even Dennis, who's mostly rainbows and sunshine, is...dangerous to mess with when in a stormy mood.

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