Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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General POV

The serene mornings in the green hills of Kirameki were shattered. By none other than the people in Aranya West Academy.

Amidst a noisy lot of students hustling down the corridors, wondering what sort of sorting ceremony would be there, were two boys. Two boys pretty much uninterested in the gossip.

"What's the use of this when we already know our houses?" A lean, freckled boy sighed, his brown hair hanging over his forehead.

"Shh!" The other boy – with bouncing black hair nudged him. "No one's supposed to know that! Besides, who said there's no fun in something you know the result of? You can always see how it unfolds. I have honestly never heard of a school that keeps a real house sorting ceremony!"

Maybe, if Dennis and Neil were slightly ahead in the crowd, they would have heard two people with slightly dissimilar views.

"The only reason I hope it's a fancy, lit sorting is so I can rub it in my sis' face that there's something her school didn't have." A wavy black-haired girl quipped cheerfully. "She always brags about how it's one of the best in the country."

"Yeah." A brooding voice replied.

Her eyes flitted towards her friend, his brows pinched in deep thought. "Hey, are you still thinking about that meeting?" She raised a concerned eyebrow.

"Maybe." He shrugged, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. "Oh, come on!" She grabbed his arm stubbornly. "For once leave your grandpa aside, and let's just enjoy the sorting."

The crowd began spilling into the auditorium, there was just enough light to make out the seats. Only the stage was lit with soothing aquamarine patterns.

"New students please sit in the third row ahead." Miss Honey directed the 6th graders.

"I think," Neil started. "I have an idea or two-"

"Move aside dork!" A burly figure shoved him aside, causing Neil to almost fall if not for Dennis holding him. "Brian. The jerk."

Brian shoved his way ahead to the very center of the row with a couple of giggly girls in tow. "Let's go sit." Neil said, holding Dennis' arm but the latter's gaze was elsewhere. He suddenly jerked Neil's hand.

Neil noticed he was leading them to the corner-most seats where sat two very familiar boys; one with a tall athletic build and sandy hair.

"Oh, Dennis!" Harsh looked up upon hearing their footsteps. "And Neil. Grab a seat."

They obliged. "Don't forget to be normal when your house is announced, ok? Otherwise, just enjoy the sorting."

"Yeah, sure. But there's something else we wanted to know." Dennis replied, leaning in.

Neil realized what Dennis wanted to ask. "We wanted to ask how you found our houses."

"Shh! Not here." Harsh's hissed. "Now's not the time."

"Come on!" Dennis insisted. "You must have got that somehow, right?"

"Ah," Harsh's mouth slacked while Kiba, silent all this while, chuckled. "Guess somebody took advantage of being the head of house' favorite."

"It's not like that." Harsh frowned at a laughing Kiba. "The list was right on her table. And Dennis and Neil's names were one after another."

"Oh, is that it, Harsh?" Dennis and Neil smirked at a slightly flustered Harsh.

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