Chapter 18

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Neil's POV

I am never gonna be "it" in hide and seek

I rushed out of the classroom wondering where Dennis could have gone. I had to find him before the first period began - Mrs. Wisteria's history class. That woman observes her every class like a hawk and she'll be able to spot the absentees in no time. To be caught by her would be my worst nightmare along with Obito's Cheshire cat grin floating in front of my eyes.

I looked in every possible area I felt Dennis could have gone to. I checked the washrooms (though he isn't the type to bawl his eyes out in front of the basin), indoor sports room, and the sports storage room. No sign of him.

I was growing desperate. Come on! I racked my brains. Where would he go in such a situation? Where?

I was now near the cafeteria where I spotted two girls. Kelly and Sarah. They were two classmates whom I had barely spoken to this entire year but I was desperate. And I surprised myself by boldly asking them, "Excuse me, have you seen Dennis?"

They seemed surprised at my approach and for a moment, my shyness returned to me as I stood awkwardly staring at them for an answer. "No, I haven't." Kelly shook her head. "I think I did!" Sarah raised her brows. "Towards the amphitheater if I am sure, he was running pretty fast."

"Oh, ok! Thanks!"

I bolted. The amphitheater? Why? There was no assembly today but it's an open space where he can be caught by anyone. Wouldn't he want a more secluded spot?

That's when it struck me. Maybe it's not the amphitheater he was going to, but to a place that lay beyond the corridor to the amphitheater. To a place where no one would know where he was...except me?


Dennis' POV

I'll consider myself lucky if I have a cozy nook to hide from all my problems

We are a truly strange race. When things don't go our way or aren't in our control, instead of accepting them we resort to hatred and self-loathing.

Now, I didn't consciously choose that option, but here I was nonetheless, sitting furiously, trying to blink back my tears which surfaced every now and then.

The Aranya River was calm and a sweet, musical flow which irked the treacherous rage that was swirling within me. My hands dug into the ground beside me and I grasped a few small stones.

Whosoever had the brilliant idea of postponing the tryouts! Again. I gripped the stones tightly, the rage rising and rising like huge waves, until it crashed down in all its fury upon the seashore.

I channeled all this negative energy into my hand and flung the stones into the river. They disturbed the tranquil surface of the river, in large concentric ripples, startling the koi fish swimming right beneath the surface.

The sweet hope and resolve I carried yesterday, after my practice (more like training) with Shouta now tasted bitter.

I flung another stone into the river.

And Harsh. My eyes stung when I remembered him. The way he just looked into my eyes - cold and cruel before he uttered those words.

If you're gonna be this quick-tempered every time about small things then I am afraid, not only Obito but anybody can walk all over you.

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