Chapter 16 (Part 1)

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Dennis' POV

I get myself a nemesis

Two days. It had been two days since Jamie got his first heat. While rumors about the incident floated around the school, it wasn't as much gossiped about as Nezuko's.

Perhaps it was the fact that she was unlucky to get it in the midst of a bustling street while Jamie got it in an almost abandoned park.

But now both were fine and recuperating well. Plus, with all this drama I've realized I've got bigger things to worry about.

The basketball tryouts were to be held in two days. My heart buzzed frantically whenever that thought crossed my mind. Just two more days...when I would be the first omega to join the team.

I couldn't stand peacefully in one place due to that thought - it's like my entire body was surging with energy!

Scenes of me passing the tryouts with flying colors and leading my team to victory fluttered in my mind. Neil, upon noticing my restless state prompted me to jog around a bit to clear my mind.

We had just completed yet another round and were sauntering towards the basketball court to practice a bit, when Neil grabbed my arm.

"Look. It's Maya."

When I first saw Maya, I thought she looked downcast and despondent. Her black curls were wrapped up in a messy bun, her eyelids droopy while she was plopped crestfallen, in the stands of the basketball court, totally unaffected by people yelling in the court and the dribbling of the balls.

Beside her lay some books but obviously forgotten and ignored.

Guilt twinged my heart though it wasn't technically my fault for her being in such a state. Jamie was resting at home and she was gonna be alone just for the next few days. But then again, I tried to imagine spending a day without Neil.

How would it be? I would be a lost soul, not much different from Neil on the first day of school, clutching his backpack in the amphitheater.

"Hi Maya." I spoke calmly and her eyes glazed over us disinterestedly, before widening in surprise.

"Oh-hi!" She sat up, looking flustered. An awkward pause lingered.

"Um, how's Jamie?" She asked, leaning forward and her green eyes met mine.

"He's fine." I answered. "He's in bed most times. But his room gets quite stuffy – his pheromones are that strong!"

My reply earned a giggle from Maya. "So, is your family happy he's a dominant omega?"

"They were keeping their expectations a bit low since Jonah – his older brother turned out to be a recessive. But they were pleasantly surprised."

Everyone I knew till now was so sure Jamie would turn out to be an omega (more than me) that when he did go into heat – no one was taken back. Maybe the way he went into heat did raise some panic and concern.

As for me, I felt this warm, fuzzy pride for my Cuzzie – I have more stuff to pull his leg with. Maybe, tease him with posters of hot alpha actors.

Right then, the yelling in the court reached its loudest and we all turned towards the source of the noise.

One team had just scored a basket and they just broke into momentary uproar – with the person whom I assumed dunked the ball receiving fist bumps and pats on the back.

They were probably 7th or 8th graders for all I knew, so I could sense fragments of their pheromones mixing in the air.

But there was something strangely odd about it. I concentrated again, and when my senses reconfirmed it, I whipped my head in the direction of the court.

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