Chapter 11

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Neil's POV

When credit cards save the day

People panic because they realize the gravity of a situation. I don't understand the situation but I still panic.

When Nezuko collapsed in a heap, Dennis and I rushed forward – jostling our way through the crowd. The sweet smell emanating from her intensified as we got closer.

The poor girl was sweating profusely and barely able to move when Dennis grabbed her arm and hauled it over his shoulder.

"Quick! She's almost immobile now – we have to get her away from here!"

The people around us, instead of offering to help, were just passing around or whispering things like "Oh, this keeps happening every other day." "How could any parent be so careless to let their kid go around in heat?"

I gritted my teeth and gave them my best glare to get lost.

Dennis somewhat struggled with Nezuko's weight though they were of similar build. "I'll carry her. You get her bag." And before he could say a word, I scooped her in my arms – her head lolling sideways like a doll's.

Dennis grabbed her bag and we ran (as well as I could with a girl in my arms) down the street, away from the main traffic signal and attracting every passerby's attention with Nezuko's fragrance.

"This is bad. Really bad." Dennis panted. "There could be alphas in this crowd. They'll sense her pheromones instinctively. We can't keep running around with her."

"Then where can we go?" I stressed. The mild afternoon sunlight gradually dimmed and we looked up to see stormy clouds swirling up about, concealing the sun.

Dennis frantically glanced across the street before his eyes paused over one particular building. "There." He pointed.

I looked up to a tall, imposing building in the distance. Hotel Occazia. "Um, Dennis." I swallowed. "Isn't that a little too outside our budget?"

"Don't worry about money. That'll be handled." He grinned, whipping out a shiny black card bordered with gold.

"Rich kid benefits?!" I groaned at him.

"Nah," He snorted. "My dad says he won't let me be a spendthrift and squander our money just because we're "rich." I got this as a reward from my uncle. For getting him out of a sticky situation at home."

Which uncle givess a freaking credit card to his nephew??!!

But I didn't have time to question him and we took off towards the hotel. No posh hotel in their right mind would have probably expected two teenagers barging in like heroes entering (minus any diving kicks or knocking down doors).

With one hero brandishing a golden card and the other handling the damsel in distress, the front reception's people's reaction to our entry was akin to seeing penguins fly.

"We need 1 suite! Right now!" Dennis slammed the card on the table in front of the astounded receptionist.

Her eyes bulged at the sleek card and she stuttered. "But, this-this is-and who are you?"

"We would love to introduce ourselves but there's an emergency here." Dennis cut her off, panting. "Our friend's sick and we need a doctor. Immediately. Please."

To my greatest surprise, the hotel staff complied and allocated us a room right on the spot. They even rang up a doctor from the nearby hospital.

"P-pains." Nezuko stammered, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. My heart shook when I saw her suffering. I could see what was happening, but I didn't know how or why.

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