Chapter 16 (Part 2)

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Dennis' POV

I unveil the past

Finding Harsh wasn't difficult. He was usually in his classroom with his buddies or at a particular spot in the fields next to the school cafeteria, under a huge banyan tree.

The classroom was almost deserted when we reached there except for Kiba and Harsh.

Kiba was tying his laces while plopped up on one of the desks and smiled good naturedly at us in greeting.

"Yo Dennis!" Harsh grinned. "Hi Neil!" "Hi." Neil nodded shyly.

"You had something to ask?" Harsh asked while Kiba picked up his file. "I need to go and hand over my project to Kurenai Sensei. Will be back."

Harsh hummed in response and I just waited for Kiba to step out. The moment he did, I blurted out, "Who's Obito?"

He froze for a moment before heaving a sigh. "Always to the point, aren't you? Anyway, I knew this is what you'd ask."

"But who's he and what does he want?!" I burst out, unable to control myself. "It's like he appeared out of the blue!"

"Because he did appear out of the blue." Harsh replied, in a matter-of-fact voice. "Look, he's someone who's been in this school for quite some time. Never knew him much. Then, he shifted to Australia or New Zealand for 2 years or something, and now he's back. In the middle of the semester."

"I couldn't care less about where he went and why he came back Harsh!" I implored. "He cornered me during lunch and began spouting all sorts of nonsense about how he wishes to join the basketball team as the first omega player!"

Harsh raised his eyebrows. "Did he, now? Though he did seem to have a thing for basketball-"

"That's not the point! It's the fact that he could end up joining the team." I interrupted him. "He-he literally releases pheromones, especially in front of alphas in school when there's rules that you aren't supposed to (yeah, me the great troublemaker talking about rules here) and his snobby attitude –"

My monologue was cut short by Harsh. "Calm down, Dennis. I understand where you're coming from. I know that Obito has got attitude problems, a...questionable personality but that doesn't mean he can be barred from taking part in the tryouts. Even amongst omegas, the coach is planning to choose the best two."

"If Obito makes it, then we'll just have to deal with him I guess. And also, I think you already know this but out of the two omega players that are selected, one of them will be on the court while the other is on the bench."


"So even if I get selected, I could be subbed?" My hope began to waver.

"Depends on how well you do." Harsh crossed his arms, closing his eyes. "I know you're the first omega I've found with an inclination towards sports Dennis, but I can't guarantee whether you'll be a sub or not if you get in. Nor do I want to."

"I know that-"

"Plus remember it was you who said you'll join the team only by winning the tryouts." When he opened his eyes, there was a fiery determination in those eyes of his, which seemed even more intense with the golden afternoon sunlight flooding the classroom.

"So it shouldn't matter to you if there are one or hundreds of Obitos taking part, because that's not what your aim is."

For the first time, I got different vibes from Harsh. Not as a cool jock popular among the omegas but as a staunch and passionate sportsperson.

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