Chapter 16 (Part 3)

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Dennis's POV

I have a flare for arguing

Maya heaved us all the way back to the school building and into an empty classroom. Once she let go of us, Neil and I began massaging our arms. Mine felt so numb I couldn't even feel it.

Damn, she's tougher than she looks!

"What did you bring us here for?" Neil asked.

"I've learnt something more about Obito!" She whispered-answered and the way she was bouncing on her heels I could tell it was big news.

"Something more aside from him using his pheromones to bend others to his will?" I asked, my arm still feeling a bit sore.

"Yeah-wait, he did what?"

We quickly filled her in on what happened during the lunch break and after that. She didn't seem surprised but instead it got her more pumped up.

"So, it all fits in! It wasn't just a rumor!" She clapped her hands, while her high-pitched voice echoed faintly in the classroom.

"Tell it quickly before someone else enters." Neil insisted. I had never seen Maya this restless - I had always known her to be a quiet, shy person like Jamie. But I guess I am wrong.

Maya nodded vigorously before playing with the end of her t-shirt. "Ok, so it was just half an hour ago. I was at my locker getting some books when I heard two people discussing Obito a few lockers away. I thought it was the usual gossip until I heard a specific sentence.

'Oh, wasn't he the one involved in that scandal where 3 kids were suspended but he escaped?' That caught my attention. I peeked a glance and saw it was a guy and a girl who were in Patricia's class - oh, I don't think so you know her. 7th grader. They were about to go so I just grabbed my books and pretended to go to class and instead followed them."

'Oh yeah, he was part of this quartet. Vincent, Duncan and another guy whose name I can't remember. They had fought with some other gang which ended up in a nasty way. One had to even get stitches. Huge mess. Headmaster Octavius was furious. After that, the quartet split up and never reunited.'

Maya's eyes gleamed like a panther's in the dark. "And guess what? I asked Patricia and she said that wasn't all to it. The fourth kid - Obito was the closest with him. They were super close - they even liked each other and all that. But one day they had this huge fight - no one knows why or how it happened exactly but they know what followed. Obito pinned the entire blame of that fight with the other gang on his own friends, especially the fourth guy, got himself a clean shit and vanished away."

We were speechless when Maya finished her revelation. The fact that Obito could do such a thing was hard to digest. But the more it sank in, the more I realized why he was like this.

Charming others but not really being friends with anyone, his opportunistic nature...goodness!

But what did Maya hope to get from this? Sure, we got some background story for this new character in my life but how would it help us?

"You'll realize how useful this is." Maya seemed to have read my mind.

"" Neil and I asked.

"Ok," She took a quick, deep breath. "What do you need the most to make it into the team?"

"Practice so I give my best and to defeat Obito - so I don't get subbed thanks to him?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well, I know the very person who can help us with that. The fourth person in that quartet, Dennis, he and Obito were often said to play basketball with each other. He'll be the key to your success. Since he knows all about Obito."

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