Chapter 5: Internal Demons

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Minho was thrown into his room, which was really just a holding cell. He immediately collapsed to the floor. He had no strength left, his body was exhausted, beaten and bruised and his mind was sore and broken. Every muscle in his body hurt, he was covered in bruises and needle pokes and his head was pounding. The headache was a constant in his life now. The cold tile floor felt soothing on his pounding head, and his sore mind. He lay on the floor with his eyes closed, unable to harness the energy to crawl to his bed.

Maybe if I just die now I won't have to go back. I can just die right now. It would be so easy, my heart could stop...and I could die.... slip into sweet black nothing. Didn't that already happen? What happened? Did I die? How did it stop...heart stopped beating...

He gasped. Everything was black, but he felt a rush of air in his lungs. And then he gasped again. He didn't open his eyes, but feeling came back into his body, his hearing kicked in, everything was loud. He felt something heavy and warm slide off him. He felt cold all of a sudden, the warmth from whatever was on top of him was gone. He let out a quiet moan. Everything was sore. He heard a loud sob. His fuzzy brain was confused.

Who was crying? Why? They sound distraught.

The sob sounded familiar. There was a sudden weight on his chest. It was warm, and comforting, despite the crying. It made the pain in his muscles go away. It made him feel safe, and the anxiety went away and that things could be okay.

"Minho! Shuck Minho! You died! Minho! Your heart stopped! It stopped! You died!"

He knew that voice. It was his favorite voice.

Alex. Alex was upset? I thought she hated me... didn't she try killing me thought? Why would she be upset about it now..? 

She was crying.

I died? My...heart stopped?

He didn't like it when she cried, it made his heart hurt, he wanted to make it stop. It took a lot of effort, but he raised a sore arm and laid his hand on the back of her head. It took even more effort, but he forced his eyelids open with a groan. She lifted her head and he met the most beautiful hazel eyes. Her brown eyes with flecks of green and gold. Eyes that look sad and desperate, pleading for his life.

"Minho?" She whimpered.

"Ya...ya ..I'm okay."

"No! No! Your heart stopped! It stopped! You died!" She choked on the last part. Big fat tears running down her beautiful dirty face.

"It's's working now." He said quietly, his voice was tired and his throat felt dry and gravely. Everything was tired. And everything hurt so shucken much! He lifted his other arm and pulled her close. She let him hold her for a moment. 

"What happened?" His voice was scratchy and thin.

"You were struck by lightning." Newt answered, awe in his voice. "And Alex bloody brought you back from the dead!"

"Struck by lightning? Oh." He was quiet for a moment. "Did I get any super powers?" He asked. He wanted Alex to smile, he was okay now, no need for tears.

Alex couldn't help it, she laughed.

My favorite sound..I think, I kind of remember the sound of her laugh. 

The tight knot of anxiety in his gut loosened just a little while he thought back to her eyes lighting up when he gasped back to life, and when she laughed at his ridiculous question. 

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