Epilogue: Made it

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Alex and Newt were still too unstable to move, so Jorge landed the berg on the huge deck of the ship, and left the hatch wide open. All the kids that the Right Arm had rescued over the year, all piled into the ship, all of the Right Arm. The civilians they had accumulated over the years, all their equipment and supplies, everything was loaded onto the ship. With a last look at
the main land, the ship left the main land. Bringing them further away from the broken sicknesses of the world and closer to freedom and safety. According to Vince the trip should take a few days. They were heading to a place he called The Safehaven. As long as it was far away from WICKED Minho didn't care.

Check out Chapter 17: First Meets in Indulgence
**When Raegan meets Minho for the first time, and she's reunited with Alex**

He didn't really do much, same with Teresa. They both had proper and extensive medical exams done by Dr Prior.

They were told they needed proper rest and food. In a few days light physical exercises, once their bodies had a chance to rest. He also talked to them about their mental health. Informing them they would have a longer more complicated journey to heal from the trama done to them, especially Minho's.

Minho was told if he was unsure or confused, to pause and take a few deep breaths, find someone he trusts and ask. Ask if what he was remembering or seeing was real or not real, which he had been doing, especially with Alex. He trusted her while heartedly to tell him the truth. She was also seemed to be the only one to help pull him back from his panic attacks.

Dr Prior also wanted to see Minho once a week, to talk things through, work through anything that he struggled with the last few days. Minho agreed reluctantly, he didn't want to admit his nightmares were still bad, and didn't want to admit how shucked up he felt. Surprisingly it was Gally who told him to do it. He had started seeing Dr Prior and it was helping him quite a bit, he also mimicked Alex "it's okay to not be okay."

Newt's vitals were getting better, he was off the ventilator now, and just an oxygen mask. Alex was now able to sit up and walk around in small increments.

On the fourth day of their voyage, Alex was sitting beside Newt, Raegan sitting in her lap. Raegan had gone to hold his hand when Alex noticed something weird. She pulled his shirt sleeve up and she gasped.

"DR PRIOR!" She screamed, "DR PRIOR! NOW! PLEASE!"

Raegan jumped up panicking.

"What? What's wrong?"

"SR PRIOR!" Alex shreaked again, ignoring the girl for the moment.

Dr Prior came racing up the Berg ramp followed by Brenda, Jorge, Minho, Thomas, Sonya and Chloe.

"What? What's wrong Alex? Is something wrong with Raegan?" He called running.

"Look!" Was all she could get out.

There on his wrist, where the black veins had originated from, were starting to creep there way back up his arm. They had noticed the day following his rescue the veins had lightened back to their original blue and started to disappear. For a full two days he was free of black veins. But they were back, slowly creeping up his arm.

"No no no! This can't happen! Why didn't it work?" Alex asked desperately. The Doctor had knelt down beside Newt, examining his arm and the rest of his vitals.

"Hmmm. Interesting." Was all he said.


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