Chapter 34: Finish This Together

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The berg made it to WICKED in a few minutes. Jorge lowered the berg as much as possible. Finn pressed a button and the hatch at the back opened. Alex didn't see anything but an empty rooftop. They waited a few minutes. But nothing.

How would Thomas know we're here? He's inside the building..were outside with no way to communicate! Shuck this klunk.

She slipped through the group, Felix and Brenda were at the back. She grabbed their wrists and pulled them away from everyone. They willingly followed, giving her questioning looks.

"Bren, where's the coms? I'm taking one and going inside. Imma find Tommy and Tes. Felix, I know you'd come, but I need you here." Alex stated, there was no room for arguments.

She looked between the two. And sighed. "You two know how I operate. And won't try to stop me. Minho would try to stop me this time. So...I trust you two."

They glanced at each other and sighed. It was true. Brenda handed her her ear com. And pulled another one out of her pocket.

"Ha! You have Kenzie's? Slick." Alex chuckled.

"You have my what?" Kenzie asked, sliding onto the group, an eyebrow cocked.

"Your com." Alex stated flatly, crossing her arms.

"Uh huh. Hmm, let me guess. You're going in to look for Tommy and this Tes, while these two cover for you, and you're taking an ear com so you can find us and get back out?" Kenzie summed up as she also crossed her arms and stuck a hip out.

Alex grinned evilly.

"Nice. Suicide Squad mission number 3?" She fist pumped into the air. "Oh and your now Firefight Felix, welcome to the Suicide Squad."

"Umm, Thanks?" Felix said unsure as he looked at Brenda and Alex.

"Just ignore her, she's a bit crazy." Brenda said, rolling her eyes.

Kenzie huffed, "I'm NOT crazy! Dr Prior had me tested! It's just the unmedicated ADHD! Also I don't like crazy...I prefer the term Mentally Creative."

Alex and Brenda sniggered at her.

"Ya...okay. Well, here" Felix handed her a knife from his belt and his gun and security pass, "you'll probably need these." Alex took them gratefully. She fit the ear com in and nodded.

"Keep Minho here. He's going to flip." Alex whispered. The three nodded and went back to the group.

"Come back." Felix said quit.

"I'll bring them back, don't worry."

There was still nothing to see, Alex slipped her way to the very front. The berg was hovering just over the rooftop and she could see a door leading into the building.

Alex didn't think about it. She leapt off the berg. She flew through the air, at the last second she tucked her body, her feet hit solid ground and rolled a few times on the rough top, she came up running, sprinting towards the door. She slowed down enough to swing the door open. And sprinted down the stairs.

Level 5..she kept going...level 4...she continued down the stairs, taking two at a time. Level 3. She had a gut feeling Tommy and Tes were on this level. She yanked the door open and sprinted down the hall. It was just like yesterday she was running through this hall looking for she was searching for Tommy and Tes.

It WAS yesterday you shuck face!

She slowed at an intersection of halls. The building was eerily quiet. Sure there was a blaring siren and explosions in the distance, but there were no people. No soldiers or guards. No doctors or other WICKED personals.

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