Time will heal

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Alex opened her eyes to the sweetest surprise.

Sitting in a small clearing from the forest around them was a small beach, tucked away from the main beach, Minho had a picnic set up. There were snacks, and drinks, and a little bonfire going already. Alex's mouth dropped.

"I owe you a date, Sunshine." Minho murmured into her hair. "Real or Not real?"

Alex spun around to face him, she flung her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

"Real." She whispered against his lips.

Minho pulled her close, one hand on her back the other on the nape of her neck, deepening their kiss. A tingling warmth spread through her body, it made her feel giddy and excited for their future. Who knew what the future held, but they were finally able to be together and in a place to call home and have peace. A place to heal.

Minho broke their kiss, panting. He placed his forehead on hers, "so you like it?" He almost seemed shy and unsure.

"Are you kidding? Babe! This is the sweetest most romantic thing I can remember!"

"Well that bar is set pretty low then!" Minho chuckled at her.

"Ha! True. I doubt we had a lot of romantic moments in WICKED." She chuckled, kissing him quickly. "When did you have time to do this?" She asked while grabbed his hand and walking down to the beach.

He smirked, "I may have had a little help."

He sat down and patted the blanket. Alex plunked down beside him, amazed at all the little details he put into this. There were wild flowers, some fresh berries they found in their exploration this morning, a few of Fry's cookies, and two jars of Gally's 'secret recipe', a small bonfire was already going with extra fresh cut wood stacked neatly beside. She had a smile from ear to ear.

"I haven't been this happy since our talk on the ledge. Minho, this is perfect!" She still couldn't believe he did all this without her knowing.

"Just wait, look " he nodded to something behind her.

She turned and gasped again. The sun was setting, shooting the last rays of sun through the clouds; making the sky light up in soft pinks, oranges, purples and blues.


She couldn't say anything, her voice got stuck in her throat. A tear slid down her cheek.

"Sunset on the beach. I crossed my heart. Real." He said quietly.

"Real." Alex nodded, as another happy tear slid down her cheek.

"And I always keep my promises." He said quietly, pulling her close, kissing her temple.

"I love you, Shuck Face."

"I love you too Sunshine."


They were quiet for a while, enjoying the peacefulness. The wind rustling the leaves behind them, the soft crash of waves on the sand, Minho's strong heartbeat against her good ear. She sighed constantly, as Minho wrapped an arm around her.

He handed her one of the jars, "A toast?" He chuckled, as he raised his jar.

"To the family we lost to get us here. And to the family we formed on our way. And our future!" Alex said quietly, raising hers. They smiled at each other.

"Huh, Gally really improved his recipe!" He laughed as she took another sip.

"Doesn't taste like-"

"-Pee?" Minho suggested with a snort.

Destroyer - The Death Cure (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now