Life Carries On

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Alex woke up in a different spot then where she fell asleep, leaning on the wall in the corner. She sat up confused.

"What the shuck?" She whispered as she climbed out of the medical room bed.

Minho was gone and the blankets were folded and stacked on the table. Newt was still in the same spot. Alex turned around, on the little table by the bed was a mug of fresh coffee and a little bouquet of wildflowers with a little handwritten note.

Curious she picked it up. She recognized the writing immediately, having memorized the way the i's had circles and the loopy ys. It made her tummy flutter, and a big smile spread across her face as she read the note.

"Good morning Sunshine.

Hope I didn't keep you up all night. I'm sorry. Storms are something I don't handle well...clearly. Thank you for taking care of this shuck faced shank. I have some stuff to do today. I'll see ya later.

Use that shuck brain if yours.

"It's good to finally see you smiling." A quiet dry voice croaked.

Alex gasped, dropping the note and flowers with a wild scream.

"NEWT!" Alex screamed again, she jumped and knocked the table over, still screaming. She practically dove on top of him, wrapping him in a hug.

Dr Prior, Teresa, Amy, Brenda came running in, all panicking.





Everyone was pushing and shoving, yelling over each other.

"HEY! SLIM IT!" Alex yelled.

The girls all spun around, and their mouths dropped. Alex was still kneeling on the bed, Newt was quietly chuckling at the chaos he woke up to.

"As you can CLEARLY see, I'm fine and so is Newt! Someone go grab Sonya from Fry's!" Alex demanded, with a huge smile on her face.

Everyone but Dr Prior and Alex left the room with big goofy grins.

"Welcome back Newt " Dr Prior said kindly.

Alex helped him sit up slowly. He groaned loudly, rubbing his chest.

"How are you feeling?"

Newt thought for a second, his face scrunched, "confused and very thirsty. Also feels like I lost a fight to a Griever." He paused, "what happened?"

"NEWT!" shrieked another voice and a flash of blond hair and Newt let out an "OAF" as Sonya tackled him too.

"Girls. You're going to hurt him again. Let him breathe. As soon as I do a quick vital check I'll leave you three." He scolded, but he had a big smile.

Sonya and Alex backed up, giving the doctor room to work. Sonya helped clean up the spilt coffee and knocked over table while they waited very impatiently.

"Done, he's all your girls. Just be...gentle." Dr Prior called as he left the room.

The girls squealed and scurried over to his bed. They sat on each side of him, each holding his hand tight. This was the first time in a very very long time all three siblings were together. And the first time together, alone.

"So? do you feel?" Alex asked cautiously, gently squeezing his hand.

"Confused. What happened? And where are we?" His voice was still pretty raw.

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