Chapter 10: Spilt Secrets

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Alex sat bolt upright shaking and covered in sweat. Her nightmares were getting worse. It took a few seconds of wild flailing and gasping to figure out she was in the med room in one of the beds. She was alone, except for a small silhouette of a child. The child was standing over the bed, hands out trying to calm Alex down.

"Chloe?!" Alex huffed, "what the shuck?"

She lay back down with a moan. A hand on her forehead, her head was pounding and her stomach felt really sick.

"What - and I can't stress this enough-the bloody shuck?" She asked again.

Chloe had sat back down on her chair beside the bed, her little hands in fists, she was glaring at Alex. 

"One. You're a complete idiot." She held up a finger, "Two. That was the stupidest idiotic thing you could have done!" She held up a second finger, "And three. YOU'RE A MORON!!" Chloe scolded, now holding up three fingers. She huffed and crossed her arms, and pressing her lips together, glared at Alex.

"You've been hanging out with Brenda and Kenzie too much! They're a bad influence!" Alex mumbled.

"No!" Spat Chloe. "You drank so much Dr Prior had to pump your stomach! And apparently tats a huge deal- cause they said something like your metabolism or something is ridiculous- that amount on a regular person would have killed at least three grown men the size of Cap! ALEX THAT"S RIDICULOUS YOU IDIOT!" Chloe screamed the last part at her, making Alex wince, her voice was shrill and sent a sharp pain through her head.  After Chloe caught her breath she continued. 

"And your lucky Jorge, Captain and Thomas found you before you chopped your wrist off! Or you would have bled to death!" Her small voice broke. Tears spilt over her bottom lashes.

Everything came flooding back. The bottle from the kitchen cupboards, her break down, the horrible voice, the knife and the footsteps and gentle hands.

"Chloe..."Alex muttered.

"What?" she snapped, her arms still crossed.

"Pass me that bucket! I'm going to be sick!" She pointed to the bucket sitting beside the table.

Chloe sprang up, grabbed it and chucked it at Alex. Alex let her stomach do its thing, wishing Minho was here to hold her hair. Last time she had a hangover was in Marcus's club; Minho had been so sweet and gentle. Once her stomach was empty Chloe took the bucket to the bathroom while Alex lay back down with a moan. Chloe came storming back into the room.

"DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! EVER! I ALREADY LOST MY MOM AND DAD! AND THEN MY BROTHER! I CAN'T-" Chloe screamed. Her voice broke, "..I can't..please don't leave me too!" She sobbed. At the moment the door banged open and another small little body came sprinting inside. 

"You hurt yourself! They said you really hurt yourself!" Reagan cried. 

Shame filled Alex. She curled into a ball, her head hidden under her good arm. Silent tears fell onto the scratchy white sheets. She felt the mattress dip. And someone small scrambled up onto the bed. And then she felt two small warm bodies snuggle up beside her. All three girls cried, once the tears turned to sniffles it went quiet. 

Alex glanced down, and saw that Reagan had already fallen asleep. She looked over at the other girl.

"Chloe, what happened?" Alex's voice was barely above a whisper.

Chloe propped her head on her hand, looking over Reagan's sleeping body. 

"Let me wait, there was too much, let me sum it up: you left the med building, I saw you looking really upset. I talked to Newt, everyone knew you weren't doing good 'cause Minho wasn't on the train...everyone was worried about you. Everyone broke off into groups to find you. Jorge, Captain and Thomas heard you screaming, found you on top of one of the roofs. Brought you to Dr Prior and nurse Amy. They had to use some weird skin healing contraption on your arm and then wrapped it and had to make you throw up...pumped your stomach I think I heard when I listened in on the conversation between Dr Prior and everyone. I don't know, no one tells me anything cuz I'm 'just a child'. Then they had a meeting. Thomas got really mad at Vince. A WICKED Berg got really close; we had to have a black out drill...except it wasn't a drill. And that's all I know, I snuck back here during the black out, and apparently Ray followed me."

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