Chapter 35: Don't Give Up

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Alex closed her eyes with a smile on her lips, Minho in her mind she let the blackness take her.

Except there was a surge of energy and adrenaline suddenly flowing through her veins. She could feel it flowing through her body. Alex's eyes flew open. She rolled herself over. Her eyes focusing, blinking away the black spots and clouds. Minho stood in front of everyone, holding a gun, which was pointed at her.

"GET UP!" He screamed.

Alex tried. Everything was still numb and shaking, her legs were jello, and the swaying building didn't help.

"ALEX! GET UP DAMMIT!" He screamed again, desperately.

Felix and Captain Ronin were holding him so he wouldn't leap out. Frypan and Brenda had Sonya. Alex stumbled, her legs giving out and she crashed to her knees. Blood still seeped from her side, her hands was coated, slick with blood. She tried to get to her feet.

"COME ON! ALMOST THERE!" She saw Sonya pleading, yelling for her to come.

Alex knew there wasn't a lot of time left. The building was crumbling. All the supports were gone in the explosions.

"MOVE YOUR ASS SUNSHINE!" Minho yelled again, tears in his eyes.

"COME ON SOLDIER! MOVE IT!" She heard Captain Ronin hollard at her.

"MI HIJA!" Jorge called from the cockpit.

"MOVE IT!" Felix screamed.

Brenda and Kenzie were also screaming at her desperately to get up.

Minho pulled the trigger again. A ball of electricity hit her in the stomach. She stumbled, and cried in pain, falling onto her hands, she closed her eyes for a second. Feeling the quick release of energy and adrenaline in her veins.

"Come on Shaket! You pinky promised me to get out! No GET OUT!" Whispered Chuck's voice, he crossed his chubby little arms.

"Come on Alex! I know you can do it! You're so close! Don't go back on that Pinky Promise circle!" Cheered Matt, an impish grin on his face.

"Alex. You need to get up. You have a job to do! Don't be a lazy Shanket now! You didn't make it all the way here to lay down and die" Alby demanded, "Get your shank ass up and move it!"

She heard all her boys, everyone she lost over the last year and a half, she could hear Bark too. Everyone cheering for her, screaming for her to keep fighting.

"Alex. You're not done yet! Come on! Get up!" Chuck said, she could see his chubby crooked smile, as he nodded his head, his curls bouncing, Matt stood beside him, his goofy grin on his face, fist pumping the air.

"I know you can do it." Jeff smiled at her.

"I know it hurts, but come on! Almost there. I'm proud of you!" Clint called.

"Come on Shanket!" Winston encouraged.

"Chloe still needs you. Please Alex...please get up!" Zach pleaded.

"Do it for us, senorita!" Padro smiled.

"Come on! Your running out of time!" Alby demanded, in his grouchy voice.

She heard Bark woofing beside Alby.

"Alex." Chuck said again, "I love you...but I don't want you over this rainbow yet. They still need you. NOW MOVE YOUR ASS SHE-BEAN!"

With a scream that came from deep within her, there came a drive and will to live. She wanted a sunset date with Minho. She wanted to see Newt wake up, she wanted to get to know her twin. She wanted to have mini Minho's running around.

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