Chapter 19: Don't shoot

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**Spoilers: Felix aesthetic up top. Blond A.I of what I think Felix looks like**

Alex kept a steady pace walking down the sidewalk. Her head down and her hood up. She didn't realize WICKED hated her so much. On every other electronic billboard was a wanted picture of herself. She knew she had ticked off Janson when they tried to capture them at the Right Arm camp, and then kept intercepting their supplies constantly out smarting them and then kicked them when they were down by stealing a whole train car of kids.  

But dang boy, WICKED is quite obsessed with me. Quite flattering, really. That would actually be a really easy way in...just marching up to the front door and flip off Janson!

It was hard to blend in and pretend she lived here when every few feet was something new she hadn't seen before, or at lest that she could remember. The bright flashing lights, and loud noise of the billboards, cars and all the people. It was so busy and loud and flashy. It made Alex flinch a few times.

Man I miss the quiet of the Glade. Life was simple, quite... easy.. ya we were surrounded by jail stone walls and death monsters.. but I think I want a house away from the city. This is too much.

Alex flinched again when a car with a wailing siren and flashing red and blue lights blasted past her. She watched horror struck when the car pulled over and the men in full hazmat suits got out and tackled a guy. He had just been standing there, minding his own business, watching the billboards. They tackled him and held him. He started crying. The hazmat suit guys pulled out something small and scanned him. He started thrashing. 

"We got a containment breach! We got one! We got an infected!" One guy yelled. 

The people on the same side of the street fled to the other side, it was pure panic and chaos. Alex watched from the crowd as the other masked man pulled out a gun of some kind. They were yelling at him to stay still. The guy finally shot his gun at the guy crying on the street. Some kind of wax or jelly slowly crept up his body, covering him. He was screaming louder and for help. His screaming was cut off abruptly when the waxy jell covered his mouth and up over his face. The two masked guys pulled out a communication device.

"Bring the truck. We got an infected. Its contained now." 

Alex knew it was time to go, she spun around and pushed and elbowed her way through the crowd and walked as fast as she could away from the chaotic scene. She tried to pull her hood down more. Her face was already in the shadow, but the security it made her feel helped her not freak out more. She missed her big hooded cowl, she always wore on missions. Alex stuffed her fists into the pockets of her jacket. Someone was walking towards her on the street, she tried to slink into the shadows and avoid the man. There were enough people on the sidewalk, but he had singled her out and kept glancing at her. Alex avoided eye contact, quickly crossing the street, but she could feel his eyes on her back. She sped up. She decided to slip down an alley.

Shuck shuck. He recognized me! I gotta get to WICKED before they call it in.

She peeked around the alley corner, saw the direction she needed to go, spun on her heel and ran back down the alley. Keeping to the shadows and back alleys. It was like running in The Maze. All the streets and back alleys making up the maze corridors, with that in mind she put her head down and ran even faster, taking corners with little thought. The closer she got to the building the more crowded the main streets became. She had to slow down to a brisk walk when she crossed these intersections.

She slowed down to a stop, staying in the shadows of a building. In front of her stood WICKED'S main facility. It was huge. Made of all glass and shiny metal. There were guards and soldiers everywhere, in their black tactical gear and guns. WICKED employees in their pressed white outfits. Through the glass Alex could see all the security.

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