Chapter 18: Tunnels

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Alex reached the bottom of the ladder, hopped off the last rung with a small splash of dark water. She looked up and could only see a small circle of light above her. She was glad Kenzie gave her a flashlight. She clicked it on and took in her surroundings. It was a tunnel, with damp brick walls, an inch or two of dark water on the ground. And it was cold, smelt of mold and rusty pipes. There was only one way to go, so without a backwards glance, she headed off down the sewer tunnel. While she walked she pulled her hood up. And pulled the sleeves of her hoodie and jacket down. Being alone in a dark dank tunnel reminded Alex of being alone in the Underneath back in the Scorch. It made her shiver. Being alone never bothered her anymore. But being in tight spaces, with smells that reminded her of her time alone, made her heart beat just a little faster. She pulled the knife Kenzie gave her out and spun it nervously in her hand.

Alex glanced behind her, she kept getting a creepy feeling. Just like in the Underneath tunnels.

I can't be followed now..Gally and his men use this all the time. If it was full of cranks, they wouldn't have built a permanent ladder you shuck faced idiot! Get a bloody grip on yourself!

There was a tiny splash behind her. Alex jumped and gasped, spinning around. Flashlight and knife held up ready to use. Her little beam of light swung back and forth. There was nothing but moldy damp brick walls and water. Just as Alex was ready to turn around there was another tiny splash. Alex's heart jumped into her throat, making it hard to swallow. Her hands gripped tighter, knuckles turning white. And her palms started to sweat. Her legs felt like jello and her feet were frozen. She hadn't felt this scared since back in the tunnels when she heard the light bulbs breaking and the echoing footsteps. Except this time it was splashes. She knew she was being followed.

Coming down here was a stupid idea! Why did I let Brenda and Kenzie talk me into this? I can't...I can't.... I need him. I need him with me! I can't...I can' this!

Every time her brain said she couldn't, her lungs stopped working. Her body wasn't responding, it wasn't working. There was another tiny splash. Alex tried to stifle a cry. She was going to fail at rescuing Minho and Tes because she was going to die in these tunnels, like she should have back in the Scorch. Her chest hurt. And her stomach felt sick. She was going to die in a dark tunnel and never get to see a sunset on the beach. Her head felt dizzy, black spots danced at the edge of her vision. She dropped the flashlight into the puddle at her feet, and stumbled backwards. Her back hit the damp wall, and she slid down into a crouch. She pressed her head to her knees and her hands to her head. Her lungs had forgotten how to work and her chest felt like it was on fire. She tried to cry, but nothing would come out. Her voice was choked by her hyperventilating lungs. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, she needed something to ground herself, something to anchors herself back to reality.

""Then don't say anything. patient with me." Alex whispered, another tear slipped through her lashes.

Minho reached up and gently wiped it away and left his hand cupping her check with his now bandaged knuckles. Alex had stiffened when he first reached up. She eventually slowly leaned into his touch. His hand was warm and gentle. She closed her eyes, enjoying a physical touch that wasn't greedy for more or hurting. She felt little butterflies in her tummy. She let out a small quiet sigh.

She reached her shaking hands up and hesitantly put them up around the back of his neck, sliding them up into his hair. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Alex's heart was racing, her breathing tried to come in shallow gasps, but Minho's steady breathing helped anchor her mind. Her fight or flight slowly calmed down. He gave her something to focus on. She closed her eyes again, focusing on her breathing until it came back in steady slow breaths. She felt Minho's other hand cup the other cheek, and his forehead gently came to rest on hers, she stiffened for a second, her breath caught in her throat. When he didn't move anymore she relaxed into his touch again.

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