Chapter 4: Going Rogue

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Alex pushed the Doctor inside the old house and closed the door. Inside was an abandoned dining room table and a few chairs and only a small window. No real threat of anyone seeing them. It was dark and musty. Alex indicated for the doctor to sit. She stiffened.

"Sit. Or I shoot a knee cap." Alex growled.

The doctor sat.

"Smart decision." 

Alex took the small bag off her shoulders and dug out a rope and tied the doctor to the chair. She was glad Captain Ronin or Jeorge never double check her bag. Vince was suspicious of her and what was inside, but he never asked to see what was inside. She was sure that Captain Ronin had got after him one time and he had left her alone since then. Alex was thankful, because most of the items were stolen from the supply room in the Right Arm camp. Inside her backpack was a rope, scalpel knife, gauze, painkillers and a bottle of any kind of hard alcohol, Alex didn't care. 

Alex stood in front of the terrified doctor. Alex dropped her gun onto the table along with her bow and slowly slid her knife out of her belt. Slowly spinning it in her hands.

"This is simple. You tell me what I want to know. And you live." Alex whispered calmly. 

The doctor trembled. 

"When are the immune kids being transported?"

The shock on the Doctor's face was priceless, " do you know about that?"

"Oh. I know quite a bit, Doctor" Alex sneered at the title. "Now answer my question. My patience is thin." Alex answered quietly, still watching the knife spin. The Doctor gulped and hesitated.

"When are they being transported?" She demanded, looking the Doctor in the eye.

"Thursday." She whispered. Alex stopped spinning her knife and in a swift movement had it pressed against her neck. The Doctor gasped and then visibly gulped again.

"Not good enough." Alex whispered.

"Next month. The 3rd week. Thursday." The Doctor cried.

Alex slowly lowered the knife. "Good. Now what time?"

The doctor clenched her jaw, a little defiance in her eyes. "How do you know I actually know that information?" She challenged, but Alex heard the wobble in her voice.

"Oh I know a lot of things about you Doctor Anna Smith." Alex smiled sweetly.

The doctor's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped.

"Doctor Anna Smith, I know you work directly under that ugly sewer rat who calls himself Director, Janson. I know you are in the inner circle of WICKED elites. I know you are the head doctor for a new research project. And I also know...." Alex dropped the sweetness in her voice, and slowly brought her knife up to the doctor's cheek and slowly dragged it down, making a thin red cut. The Doctor flinched.

"...I also know you are using Minho as your shucken guinea pig. So you better bloody talk. Cause I don't like when people I love are used as shucken lab rats." She paused, "You're losing my interest, Doctor Anna Smith. And that is very dangerous." Alex whispered.

The Doctor clenched her jaw and tried to blink the tears away, but Alex saw a little resolve flash in her eyes, she lifted her chin just a little and said with her voice trembling, "I've heard of you! You're Alex. The thorn in WICKED's side. You would have made a fantastic subject to observe in that Herculean trial, too bad they shut it down after you failed the experiments."

Alex grind down at her, it wasn't a kind smile, it was twisted. Something dangerous flashed in Alex's eyes, making the Doctor shrink back. Alex straightened up, spinning her knife. She knew the Doctor was trying to make her flustered or act rationally. But it wouldn't work, this wasn't her first interrogation with WICKED. She knew how they played. She also knew all this information that they tried to throw her off with. Nothing phased her much  these days. She knew she was a science experiment, she knew she was twisted and broken inside. 

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