Chapter 28: Plans

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The meeting room was full of activity. Felix scrambled down the ladder to grab his WICKED jacket, vest and weapons. While Gally produced a few more WICKED guard uniforms and weapons.

"Here. See if these fits" Gally handed Thomas and Newt each a WICKED uniform. They took them and pulled on the jacket. As Newt zipped his jacket he started coughing. Thomas stopped and came over, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay man?" Thomas asked, his eyes full of worry. Newt nodded, coughing a few more times.

"Ya Tommy Boy. I'm fine." Newt said, trying to give him a reassuring smile, and waved him away.

"Better get going old man. Long road ahead of you." Brenda called, walking across the room towards Jorge who was zipping his jacket up, and picking up a bag.

Jorge chuckled, he straightened up and gave Brenda a hug.

"Hey meeeee tooooooo!" Kenzie called, running across the room. She slammed into Jorge and Brenda, joining them a big hug. "'ll take care of Finn?" Kenzie asked him, seriously.

Jorge nodded, "Of course! Gally has a few extra guys he trusts to come along as extra guns, when we go throught the Crank Tunnel. They aren't the Suicided Squad, but they will be adequate. We will get back to the Right Arm. And get back here in time." He patted Kenzie's back reassuringly. 

The girls grinned at him. 

"Of course they aren't us. No one can even come close to us!" Kenzie Smirked. 

"Hey! We did okay..." Finn whined. 

"Who saved your ass? And who flipped the truck?" Kenzie asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Hey! I wasn't driving! It was Fry! He insisted! We wouldn't have crashed if I was driving!" He pouted. 

"Sure Finn. Sure." Brenda said, giving him a condescending look. Kenzie looked at him smugly, pushing his head gently. 

Jorge rolled his eyes as the siblings started to argue. He turned away from them, searching the room.

 "Hey Newt?" Jorge called, "can I have a word quick? Finn we leave in 5!" Jorge called. Newt walked over with a questioning look.

"Mi Hijas, give us a moment." Jorge dismissed the girls gently.

"Ooooo someone's is trouble!" Kenzie teased as she skipped away to help Finn pack. Brenda rolled her eyes and went to go talk with Thomas.

Newt stood awkwardly in front of Jorge, unsure what Jorge wanted. He felt like a small child waiting a scolding from aa father. He hung his head, feeling ashamed. Jorge laid a hand on his shoulder. 

"Hermano. Keep yourself safe. I believe Alex was right in her assessment of your health. Keep yourself safe until I can get back with the Doctor. Si?"

Newt pressed his lips together, and absentmindedly rubbed his forearm. He ran a shaking hand through his hair, then shoved his hands into his pockets. 

"Ya...ya she was. And that's why..I got so mad. It's not a good excuse, and I really shucked up with her. Jorge! What if we're too late and the last things I said to her...what if what I said made her leave? It's all my fault!"

"Newt, you know her, probably better than anyone here. Do you think she would have waited patiently for you and Thomas to get back?" Jorge asked, with a little smile. 

New sighed. "'re right. She would have done something stupid on her own. She's stubborn and reckless. We need to get them back! I need to apologize. It's about Minho and Alex now. They need us now."

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