Chapter 26: Trust Me

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Teresa and Felix were sitting in chairs facing the rest. Teresa still couldn't believe her eyes.

"I still can't believe you're alive Gally! I watched Minho throw a spear into your chest!"

Gally chucked, he was sitting backwards on his chair. 

"Yeah... I'm a medical mericle. And uhh, Teresa's I'm sorry..for uh trying to sacrifice you. Like..I don't even know how to make that up to you." He apologized awkwardly.

"Gally. It's in the past. We all did things we aren't proud of. And me, more than most understand, it wasn't you." She smiled gently at him, she reached out and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. Gally's shoulders visibly relaxed after that.

"Okay, now you need to explain. And why is this guy with you? He works for WICKED. We should just kill him and be done. How do we know he didn't kill Alex and trick you?" He narrowed his eyes at Felix, picking up a scalpel, Felix's eyes flicked to Thomas, and the Frypan, who seemed kind and accepting of him.

Gally stood up, picked up his chair and slammed it down right in front of Felix, "why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not going to save you!"

Thomas rolled his eyes and stepped forward, slapping Gally in the back of the head, "Dude. Chill!"

Felix raised his hands in self defense, "I come in peace and with messages from Alex. Okay? Listen before making a rash decision!" He said quickly, eyeing the scalpel in Gally's hand.  Everyone froze again. Thomas took the scale out of Gally's hands and put it back on the table.

"Okay, these are straight from Alex herself, so don't shoot the messenger."

He closed his eyes and punch the bridge of his nose. Teresa giggled. Felix peeked an eye open at her, he narrowed his eyes and glared at her. But the corners of his lip twitched into a smile, making his brown eyes warm.

"Oh you think this is funny, do ya Tessa? You were there too, maybe YOU should hand out these messages?!" His tone was light teasing.

Teresa laughed, "nope." She popped her p. "Alex specifically told YOU these messages. They already trust me." She smiled slyly at him.

He sighed, "Fine. Tommy none of your plans ever work out and were better to just wing it and if he doesn't promise to stand at my funeral and say 'I told ya so', or we can't be friends anymore."

Thomas's eyes went wide, he opened his mouth, blinked a few times and then closed it.

"Newt," Felix looked around the room until he found Newt leaning against the back wall, "She said: I know his anger isn't his fault and it's ok, I forgive him and love him. He's just CRANKy.  She really emphasized the cranky thing...I guess that's supposed to mean something..."

Newt's eyes went wide as well, his face went pale. He grabbed at his forearm. His eyes went glassy, and he looked down at his feet.

"And uhhh, Tell Kenzie and Brenda my Squad Sisters: The best part of my day was all the fuckery to be had and the TOMfoolery."
He heard a small sharp gasp.

"She really emphasized the tom part of tomfoolery." He shrugged. He opened his mouth again to say something, but closed it and frowned.

"Okay, remember this is from Alex and NOT from me! Brenda is shucken ugly, like something I drew with my left hand. Kenzie needs that...shuck..?"

Fix glanced at Teresa, "shuck?" He asked again. Teresa giggled and nodded with a huge grin. He sighed.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Teresa laughed at him again and nodded. Felix rolled his eyes and shook his head, his cheeks turning pink again.

"Kenzie, she said that shuck head checked, it's not just unmedicated ADHD."

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