Chapter 27: Nightmares

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Alex woke up with a quiet whimper. Her body hurt so much. Everything hurt, even her eyelids. She tried to open them. The room was dark and cold, but her body felt feverish. She had no strength left in her body, but she curled her body up, tears leaked out the corners of her eyes. Another whimper escaped her. She heard movement beside her and she flinched with a whimper, despite her body aching and hurting. Something was placed on her, it was already warm. She forced her sore and heavy eyelids open. She blinked a few times, trying to focus.

"You get used to it." A hoarse voice said right above her.

"Minho...?" She whispered, her vision finally clearing.

Minho retreated to the other side of his room, sitting down on a bed across from hers. His body was slumped and his eyes looked exhausted, he was looking wearily at her, like she would attack at any given moment.

"That's my name...don't wear it out." His voice was monitored.

Alex tried to sit up, but her arms wouldn't support her weight. She stayed laying on her side, curling her body tighter, her feverish body wouldn't stop shivering. She realized now he had given her his blanket. Her heart clenched. He was scared of her, beaten, bruised and broken himself, yet he still took care of her. Whether it was just who he was, or if he subconsciously still remembered her, either way, her heart hurt. She loved him even more, it was a small gesture but it meant so much.

"What...what happened?" Alex asked, looking at him, taking in every detail.

She wanted to get up and hug him, hold him, have his strong arms around her, whispering that everything would be okay.

"The last thing I remember was pain, excruciating pain and screaming." she whimpered again as her body sent another shock wave of pain and a wave of nausea hit her. 

"Ya...they drugged you. With some new shucked up stuff, they forced inside your system. Some new kind of poison to inflict as much pain as possible- I haven't had  that version yet. You passed out. Wouldn't wake up. They brought us here. Well, you were dragged. While you were out you threw up a few times."

Even his voice sounded tired and broken.

"Oh. Well Rat Man always had a special place in his black heart for me. Only the best for me." She sassed weakly.

She was quiet for a little, trying to regain some strength. She looked up and met his beautiful coffee brown eyes. He was staring at her, a slight frown and his eyebrows knitted together.

" you remember me?" She whispered, terrified to know the answer.

"No." He said flatly, but paused and his eyebrows knit together some more.

"Yes...Maybe? They messed with my head a lot. I...I don't know what's real." He sighed in defeat, rubbing his forehead.

Alex finally managed to sit up, she was still shivering despite the sweat on her forehead, she felt dizzy and sick to her stomach.

"Well...what are you confused about?" She asked quietly, "I might be able to help. Janson is an evil twisted slint headed sewer rat. And I don't know what they did, how they twisted your mind, or lied to you about...but I'll tell you the truth about anything. I never lied to you. Just ask."

He sat quietly looking at her. Even though he was treating her like a dog who might attack, her stomach back flipped when his coffee eyes met hers. She smiled gently at him.

"I never lied to you before Min. I won't now, either. Just ask."

"Do you work for WICKED?" he blurted.

"No." Alex answered. "I used to. A long time ago. Once I..we.. once WE realized what was going on and they took you and sent you into the maze early, Tes, Tommy and I started stealing information and passing it to The Right Arm with the help of Captain Ronin. I was caught, and sent to the maze." Alex said evenly, she didn't break her eye contact, but she narrowed her eyes and growled, "and I will burn this place to the ground. I will destroy them! I hate WICKED with everything inside me! They destroyed my family, they destroyed me...and I will repay the favor."

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