Chapter 29: Reunion

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"Minho?" Alex whispered again, not believing what was in front of her.

Is he back? Does he have memories again? He must be back, he can bring me back, and he knows I need his heart...

"Were we apart that long? You forgot what this amazing face looked like?" He asked, a small smirk made its way on his tired face, his tired haunted eyes had some of their mischievous spark.

Alex choked on a fresh sob. She ungracefully threw herself at him. She wrapped her arms around him, burying her face into his neck. When she flung herself, she made them topple backwards on the bed. He wrapped his strong arms around her and laughed quietly.

"Careful Sunshine, don't tackle me so close to the edge or we're going to fall off!" He whispered into her hair.

"Now you're messing with me!" She whispered back.

 her face pressed into him, "do you remember that's what you said to me on the ledge...? Do you remember?" She pushed herself back, sitting up on her knees, her hands covering her mouth, staring wide eyed at him, in total disbelief.

"Parts. Some parts are...blurry and fuzzy...confusing." He murmured. "Forgetting you was the scariest shucken thing they did to me." 

She flung her self back into his arms, with a mixture of a sob and laugh, he wrapped his arms tighter around her and twisted them so they lay side by side.

"I'm here now. I fought and clawed... much blood... to be here. I would rather be tortured beside you then go through another year without you. Min...I lost myself. I...I was scaring everyone.. even myself." She closed her eyes in shame.

"Look at me." He demanded.

Alex opened her eyes, which were wet with tears again. Her breathing was ragged again, trying not to cry.

"I missed your eyes. Why'd you scare everyone?" He gently placed a hand on the side of her face, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Alex took a deep breath. She wiggled herself closer to him, threw a leg over his hips and placed her head right by his heart, so she could hear it properly for the first time in almost a year. Minho pulled her tighter and tangled his fingers into her hair cupping her head. She told him everything; all the planning and strategic missions, how her and Vince butted heads, moving camps constantly, finding all the kids, she told him all about Kenzie and Finn. She told him about their mission to get supplies and found out that the supplies were actually more kids. And how she found Raegan, the little four year old girl who was held at knife point by a WICKED Solider, and how they adopted each other, just like Chloe.

She told him, hesitantly, about her demons; her need for adrenaline rushes, the drinking and pain killers and her knife problem.  His face fell when he saw up close what she did to herself. His eyes filled with grief. Alex had to close her eyes and continue, shame was washing over her, but finally telling Minho, the person she trusted with all her deepest and darkest secrets, felt like the weight of the world was lifted off her soldiers. She told him about the crank voice that whispered to her. She talked about the night they realized he wasn't on the train car, how she handled it.

He didn't interrupt her but he pulled her arm so he could see her sliced up arm up close. He gently pulled her arm to his chest, so he was holding it like a child holding a teddy bear.

She continued talking, she told him about the Suicide Squad Sisters and going after Newt and Tommy, her guessing Newt not being immune. She talked about the guards she killed, meeting Felix, rescuing Tes, and killing Ava Page and kicking the door down to find him.

He didn't say anything the whole time she talked. When she was done he was still quiet. He squeezed her tight for a moment. Then pulled away so he could look at her properly. She was leery about what he would say or do. He was uncharacteristically silent.

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